


Formal Semantics of Programming Languages



Formal Semantics:

  • To assign mathematica meanings to language contructs & programs
  • A scientific way to study PL and programming
    • developing general abstractions
    • considers software behavior in a rigorous and general way
      • More than testing

Mathematical backgroud

Sets ★

基本概念 Basic Notations:

  • $x \in S$,membership
  • $S \subseteq T$,subset
  • $S \subset T$,proper subset 真子集
  • $S \subseteq^{\text{fin}} T$,finite subset
  • $S=T$,equivalence
  • $\emptyset$,the empty set
  • $\mathrm{N}$,natural numbers
  • $\mathrm{Z}$,intergers
  • $\mathrm{B}$,$ { true, false } $
  • $S\cap T \overset{def}{=} { x \mid x \in S \text { and } x \in T } $,intersection
  • $S \cup T \overset{def}{=} { x \mid x \in S \text { or } x \in T } $, union
  • $S-T \overset{def}{=} { x \mid x \in S \text { and } x \notin T } $,difference
  • $\mathcal{P}(S) \overset{def}{=} { T \mid T \subseteq S } $,powerset
  • $ [m, n] \overset{def}{=} { x \mid m \leq x \leq n } $,integer range

广义并集 generalized unions:

  • $\bigcup \mathcal{S}\stackrel{\text { def }}{=} { x \mid \exists T \in \mathcal{S} . x \in T } $
    • Here $S$ is a set of sets
    • 带量词的逻辑判断:$\exists T. T \in S \wedge x \in T$
    • $\Rightarrow \bigcup \empty = \empty$
  • $\bigcup\limits_{i \in I} S(i) \stackrel{\text { def }}{=} \bigcup { S(i) \mid i \in I } $
    $\bigcup\limits_{i=m}^{n} S(i) \stackrel{\text { def }}{=} \bigcup\limits_{i \in[m, n]} S(i)$
    • $S(i)$ 是一个依赖 i 来定义的集合,比如 $S(i)= { x \mid x>i+3 } $
  • 例子:证明 $A\cup B=\bigcup { A,B } $
  • 例子:$S(i)=[i,i+1], I= { j^2 \mid j \in [1,3] } $ 得 $\bigcup\limits_{i\in I} S(i)= { 1,2,4,5,9,10 } $

广义交集 generalized intersections:

  • $\bigcap \mathcal{S} \stackrel{\text { def }}{=} { x \mid \forall T \in \mathcal{S} . x \in T } $
    • Here $S$ is a set of sets
    • 带量词的逻辑判断:$\forall T. T \in S \Rightarrow x \in T$
    • 代入 $S=\empty \Rightarrow { x \mid \forall T.T\in S \Rightarrow x\in T } $ 其中 $T\in S$ 为假,则推论 $x\in T$ 永远为真
      $\Rightarrow \bigcup \empty = \text{meaningless}$
      • 这是罗素悖论 Russell’s paradox
        • 定义 $A: \text{set of everything}$
        • 构造集合 $B= { x \mid x \in A \and x \not\in x } $
        • 由于 A 的定义得 $B\in A$,现在问 $B\in B$ ?
        • 如果 $B\in B$,由 B 的定义得知 $B\notin B$
          如果 $B\notin B$,由 B 的定义得知 $B\in B$
  • $\bigcap\limits_{i \in I} S(i) \stackrel{\text { def }}{=} \bigcap { S(i) \mid i \in I } $
    $\bigcap\limits_{i=m}^{n} S(i) \stackrel{\text { def }}{=} \bigcap\limits_{i \in[m, n]} S(i)$


笛卡尔积 Cartesian product:

  • $A\times B = { (x,y) \mid x\in A\ and\ y \in B } $
    • (x, y) 是 pair
    • projections over pairs: $\pi_0(x,y)=x$、$\pi_1(x,y)=y$
  • 如果 $\rho \subseteq A\times B$ or $\rho \in \mathcal{P}(A\times B)$,$\rho$ 是一个 A to B 的关系
    • 特殊地,$\rho \subseteq S\times S$,则说 $\rho$ 是 S 上的关系
  • $(x,y)\in \rho$,即 $\rho $ 关联 x 和 y,也写作 $x\ \rho\ y$
  • 自反关系;$\forall(x,y)\in\rho.x=y$

基本概念 Basic Notations:

  • $\text{Id}_{S} \stackrel{\text { def }}{=} { (x, x) \mid x \in S } $,the identity on S
  • $\text{dom}(\rho) \stackrel{\text { def }}{=} { x \mid \exists y .(x, y) \in \rho } $,the domain of $\rho$
  • $\text{ran}(\rho) \stackrel{\text { def }}{=} { y \mid \exists x .(x, y) \in \rho } $,the range of $\rho$
  • $\rho^{\prime} \circ \rho \stackrel{\text { def }}{=} { (x, z) \mid \exists y.(x, y) \in \rho \and (y, z) \in \rho^{\prime} } $,composition of $\rho$ and $\rho^{\prime}$
  • $\rho^{-1} \stackrel{\text { def }}{=} { (y, x) \mid(x, y) \in \rho } $,inverse of $\rho$

\left(\rho_{3} \circ \rho_{2}\right) \circ \rho_{1}=\rho_{3} \circ\left(\rho_{2} \circ \rho_{1}\right) \
\rho \circ \mathrm{ld}{S}=\rho=\operatorname{ld}{T} \circ \rho, \text { if } \rho \subseteq S \times T \
\operatorname{dom}\left(\mathrm{Id}{S}\right)=S=\operatorname{ran}\left(\mathrm{Id}{S}\right) \
\mathrm{Id}{T} \circ \mathrm{ld}{S}=\operatorname{ld}{T \cap S} \
{S}{ }^{-1}=\mathrm{Id}{S} \
\left(\rho^{-1}\right)^{-1}=\rho \
{2} \circ \rho_{1}\right)^{-1}=\rho_{1}{ }^{-1} \circ \rho_{2}{ }^{-1} \
\rho \circ \emptyset=\emptyset=\emptyset \circ \rho \
\mid \mathrm{d}{\emptyset}=\emptyset=\emptyset^{-1} \
\operatorname{dom}(\rho)=\emptyset \Longleftrightarrow \rho=\emptyset \ \
<\subseteq \leq \
<\cup Id
{\mathrm{N}}=\leq \
\leq \cap \geq =\mathrm{Id}_{\mathrm{N}} \
<\cap \geq =\emptyset \
<\circ \leq =<\
\leq 0 \leq =\leq \
\geq =\leq^{-1}
等价关系 Equivalence Relations:

  • 自反 Reflexivity: $Id_S \subseteq \rho$
  • 对称 Symmetry: $\rho^{-1}=\rho$
  • 传递 Transitivity: $\rho \circ \rho \subseteq \rho$

Functions ★


  • 函数是一种特殊的关系,满足 $\forall x, y,y’.(x,y)\in\rho \and (x,y’)\in\rho \quad\Rightarrow\quad y=y’ $

  • Function application $f(x)$ 可写为 $f\ x$

  • $\empty $ 和 $Id_S$ 也是函数

  • 如果 $f,g$ 是函数,$g \circ f$ 也是函数:$(g\circ f)\ x = g(f\ x)$,$f^{-1}$ 不一定是函数除非 $f$ 是单射

  • 单射 injection、满射 surjection、双射 bijection

Denoted by Typed Lambda Expressions,通过带类型的 Lambda 表达式来表示函数:

  • $\lambda x\in S.E$:表示函数 f 在定义域 S 上的元素有 $f(x)=E$
  • 例子:$\lambda x\in \mathrm{N}.x+3$ 表示 $ { (x, x+3) \mid x \in \mathbf{N} } $


  • 单点修改:$f { x \rightsquigarrow n } \stackrel{\text { def }}{=} \lambda z. \begin{cases}f z & \text { if } z \neq x \ n & \text { if } z=x\end{cases} $
  • 此时的定义域和值域:$\begin{aligned}
    &\operatorname{dom}(f { x \rightsquigarrow n } )=\operatorname{dom}(f) \cup { x } \
    &\operatorname{ran}(f { x \rightsquigarrow n } )=\operatorname{ran}\left(f-\left { \left(x, n^{\prime}\right) \mid\left(x, n^{\prime}\right) \in f\right } \right) \cup { n }
  • 例子:$(\lambda x \in[0 . .2] .x+1) { 2 \rightsquigarrow 7 } = { (0,1),(1,2),(2,7) } \ (\lambda x \in[0 . .1] . x+1) { 2 \rightsquigarrow 7 } = { (0,1),(1,2),(2,7) } $

Function Type 函数类型:

  • $A\rightarrow B$:表示 A to B 上的所有 total function 的集合(没有特别说明都默认是 total function)
    • $A \rightharpoonup B$:表示 A to B 上的所有 partial function 的集合
  • $\rightarrow $ 是右相关:$A\rightarrow B\rightarrow C=A\rightarrow (B\rightarrow C)$
  • 如果 $f \in A\rightarrow B\rightarrow C$、$a\in A \and b\in B$,有 $f\ a\ b = (f(a))b\in C$

Functions with multiple arguments:

  • $$
    &f \in A_{1} \times A_{2} \times \cdots \times A_{n} \rightarrow A \
    &f=\lambda x \in A_{1} \times A_{2} \times \cdots \times A_{n} \cdot E \
    &f\left(a_{1}, a_{2}, \ldots, a_{n}\right)
  • Currying it gives us a function
    &g \in A_{1} \rightarrow A_{2} \rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow A_{n} \rightarrow A \
    &g=\lambda x_{1} \in A_{1} . \lambda x_{2} \in A_{2} \ldots \lambda x_{n} \in A_{n} .E \
    &g a_{1} a_{2} \ldots a_{n}


将笛卡尔积推广到 n sets:

  • $S_{0} \times S_{1} \times \cdots \times S_{n-1}=\left { \left(x_{0}, \ldots, x_{n-1}\right) \mid \forall i \in[0, n-1] \cdot x_{i} \in S_{i}\right } $
  • 此时 $\left(x_{0}, \ldots, x_{n-1}\right)$ 是一个 n-tuple,有 $\pi_i(x_0,…,x_{n-1})=x_i$

将 Tuples 作为函数:

  • 我们可以将 (x, y) 视为一个函数:$\lambda i \in \mathbf{2} . \begin{cases}x & \text { if } i=0 \ y & \text { if } i=1\end{cases} ,\mathbf{2} = { 0,1 } $

    • 此时相当于 re-define $A \times B \stackrel{\text { def }}{=} { f \mid \operatorname{dom}(f)=2, \text { and } f\ 0 \in A \text { and } f\ 1 \in B } $
  • 相似地,$\lambda i \in \mathbf{n} . \begin{cases}x_{0} & \text { if } i=0 \ \cdots & \ldots \ x_{n-1} & \text { if } i=n-1\end{cases} ,\mathbf{n}= { 0,1, \ldots, n-1 } $

    • $S_{0} \times \cdots \times S_{n-1} \stackrel{\text { def }}{=}\left { f \mid \operatorname{dom}(f)=\mathbf{n}, \text { and } \forall i \in \mathbf{n} . f\ i \in S_{i}\right } $


  • $\prod\limits_{i \in I} S(i) \stackrel{\text { def }}{=} { f \mid \operatorname{dom}(f)=I, \text { and } \forall i \in I . f\ i \in S(i) } $
    $\prod\limits_{i=m}^{n} S(i) \stackrel{\text { def }}{=} \prod\limits_{i \in[m, n]} S(i) $

  • 令 $\theta $ 是一个从 a set of indices 到 a set of sets 的函数,定义 $\sqcap\theta$,如下:
    \sqcap \theta \stackrel{\text { def }}{=} { f \mid \operatorname{dom}(f)=\operatorname{dom}(\theta), \text { and } \forall i \in \operatorname{dom}(\theta) . f i \in \theta i }

  • 例子:令 $\theta=\lambda i\in I.S(i)$,有 $\sqcap\theta =\prod\limits_{i\in I}S(i) $

  • 例子:令 $\theta=\lambda i\in \mathbf{2.B}$,有 $\sqcap\theta = \begin{aligned} { & { (0,true),(1,true) } , \ & { (0,true),(1,false) } , \& { (0,false),(1,true) } , \& { (0,false),(1,false) } } \end{aligned} $,即 $\sqcap\theta = \mathbf{B}\times \mathbf{B} $ (此时 × 的定义是 $A \times B \stackrel{\text { def }}{=} { f \mid \operatorname{dom}(f)=2, \text { and } f\ 0 \in A \text { and } f\ 1 \in B } $ )

  • 例子:$\sqcap\empty= { \empty } $

  • 例子:$\exists i\in dom(\theta).\theta\ i=\empty\quad \Rightarrow\quad \sqcap\theta=\empty $

幂次 Exponentiation:

  • 由于 $\prod_\limits{x \in T} S(x)=\sqcap \lambda x \in T . S(x) $,若 $S$ 与 x 无关,则记:
    S^{T} &=\prod_{x \in T} S=\sqcap \lambda x \in T . S \
    &= { f \mid \operatorname{dom}(f)=T\ \text { and }\ \forall x \in T . f\ x \in S } \&=(T \rightarrow S)

  • 例子:$\mathbf2^S = (S \rightarrow \mathbf2)$
    此时 $\forall T.T\subseteq S$,可以定义 $f=\lambda x \in S . \begin{cases}1 & \text { if } x \in T \ 0 & \text { if } x \in S-T\end{cases}$,故有 $f\in(S \rightarrow \mathbf2) $

Sums (or Disjoint Unions)


  • let $A= { 1,2,3 } , B= { 2,3 } $,we index the elements according to which set they originated in, to define the disjoint union 不相交并集:

A^{\prime} &= { (0,1),(0,2),(0,3) } \
B^{\prime} &= { (1,2),(1,3) } \
A+B &=A^{\prime} \cup B^{\prime}

A+B \stackrel{\text { def }}{=} { (i, x) \mid i=0 \text { and } x \in A, \text { or } i=1 \text { and } x \in B } \

  • $\iota_{A+B}^{0} \in A \rightarrow A+B $
  • $\iota_{A+B}^{1} \in B \rightarrow A+B $

推广到 n 个集合:
S_{0}+S_{1}+\cdots+S_{n-1} \stackrel{\text { def }}{=}\left { (i, x) \mid i \in \mathbf{n} \text { and } x \in S_{i}\right }


  • 推广到无限集上:
    &\sum_{i \in I} S(i) \stackrel{\text { def }}{=} { (i, x) \mid i \in I \text { and } x \in S(i) } \
    &\sum_{i=m}^{n} S(i) \stackrel{\text { def }}{=} \sum_{i \in[m, n]} S(i) \
    & \sum_{i \in I} S(i)=\sum \lambda i \in I . S(i)

  • 令 $\theta $ 是一个从 a set of indices 到 a set of sets 的函数,定义 $\sum\theta$ 如下:

\Sigma \theta \stackrel{\text { def }}{=} { (i, x) \mid i \in \operatorname{dom}(\theta) \text { and } x \in \theta i }

  • 例子:$\sum\limits_{i \in \mathbf{n}} S(i)=\Sigma \lambda i \in \mathbf{n} . S(i)= { (i, x) \mid i \in \mathbf{n}\ and\ x \in S(i) } $

  • 例子:令 $\theta=\lambda i \in \mathbf{2}.\mathbf{B}$,
    有 $\Sigma \theta= { (0, \text {true}),(0, \text {false}),(1, \text {true}),(1,\text {false}) } $,
    即是说 $\Sigma \theta=2 \times \mathbf{B}$

  • 例子:$\sum\empty=\empty$

  • 例子:如果 $\forall i \in \operatorname{dom}(\theta) . \theta i=\emptyset$,,则有 $\Sigma \theta=\emptyset$

  • 例子:令 $\theta=\lambda i \in 2.\begin{cases}\mathbf{B} & \text { if } i=0 \ \emptyset & \text { if } i=1\end{cases}$,有 $\sum \theta= { (0, true),(0, false) } $

  • 若 $\sum\limits_{i \in I} S(i)=\sum \lambda i \in I . S(i)$ 中 S 独立于 i ,则 $\begin{aligned}
    \sum_{x \in T} S &=\Sigma \lambda x \in T . S \
    &= { (x, y) \mid x \in T \text { and } y \in S } \ &=(T \times S)

Coq 相关

Lambda Calculus (λ-calculus)


  • 一种 PL
  • Model for computation


  • foundations of functional programming (like Lisp, ML, Haskell)

  • used as a core language to study language theories

    • type system

    • scope and binding

    • higher-order funcitons

    • denotational semantics

    • program equivalence

    • 例子:

      int x = 0;
      for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { x++; }
      x = "abcd"; // bug (mistype)
      i++; // bug (out scope)

      如何形式化定义和描述出上述 bug


  • Syntax 语法

  • Semantics 语义

  • 其他(type system, model theory)


  • λ terms or λ expressions:
    `(Terms) M, N    ::=    x  |  λx.M  |  M N`
    • 使用 BNF 范式定义,回忆编译中表达式的定义:(Exp) e ::= n | x | e+e | .....
    • Lambda abstraction (λx.M): 匿名函数
      int f(int x) { return x;} 可以写成 λx.x
    • Lambda application (M N):
      (λx.x) 3 = 3
    • pure λ-calculus
  • Add extra operations and data types

惯例 conventions:

  • Body of λ extends as far to the right as possible 右结合

    • 比如 λx.M N 表示 λx. (M N) 而不是 (λx. M) N
    • λx. f x = λx. (f x)
    • λx. λf. f x = λx. (λf. f x)
  • Function applications are left-associative 左相关

    • 比如 M N P 表示 (M N) P 而不是 M (N P)
    • (λx. λy. x-y) 5 3 = ((λx. λy. x-y) 5) 3
    • (λf. λx. f x) (λx. x+1) 2 = ( (λf. λx. f x) (λx. x+1) ) 2

Higher-order functions:

  • functions can be returned as return values

    • λx. λy. x-y
  • functions can be passed as arguments

  • (λf. λx. f x) (λx. x+1) 2

  • given function f, return function f ○ f

    • λf. λx. f (f x)

    • (λf. λx. f (f x)) (λy. y+1) 5

      = (λx. (λy. y+1) ((λy. y+1) x)) 5

      = (λx. (λy. y+1) (x+1)) 5

      = (λx. (x+1)+1) 5

      = 5+1+1 = 7

  • 柯里化方法 Curried functions

    • λx. λy. x-yint f(int x,int y){ return x-y; } 不一样,λ abstraction 是一个单参数的函数,虽然计算上是一样的。而且它们可以相互转换
    • curry: λ(x, y). x-y (不合法) 转为 λx. λy. x-y
    • uncurry: curry 的逆过程

Free and bound variables:

  • λx. x+y

    • x: bound variable(可以随时 renamed,它就是一个 placeholder,改完之后两个表达式是 α-equivalence)

    • y: free variable(不能 rename)

      int y;
      int add(int x) { return x+y; }
  • x. x+y) (x+1): x has both a free and a bound occurrence

    int x = 10;
    int add(int x) { return x+y; }

    Formal definitions about Free and bound variables:

  • 回忆:M, N ::= x | λx.M | M N

  • fv(M): the set of free variables in M

    • $\text{fv}(x) \overset{def}{=} { x } $
    • $\text{fv}(\lambda x.\text{M}) \overset{def}{=} \text{fv}(\text{M})\ \backslash\ { x } $
    • $\text{fv}(\text{M}\ \text{N}) \overset{def}{=} \text{fv}(\text{M}) \cup\text{fv}(\text{N}) $
  • 例子:

    • fv((λx. x) x) = {x}
    • fv((λx. x + y) x) = {x, y}
  • bould variable 定义无意义

  • α-equivalence:``λx. M = λy. M[y/x],注意 y 是新符号,M[y/x]` 表示把 M 中的 x 都换成 y


基本规则 —— β-reduction 贝塔规约:

  • (λx. M) NM[N/x]

替换 Substitution:

  • M[N/x]:将 M 中的 x 都换成 N

    1. x[N/x] $\overset{def}{=}$ N

    2. y[N/x] $\overset{def}{=}$ y

    3. (M P)[N/x] $\overset{def}{=}$ (M[N/x]) (P[N/x])

    4. (λx.M)[N/x] $\overset{def}{=}$ λx.M(只换自由变量)

    5. (λy.M)[N/x] $\overset{def}{=}$ λy.(M[N/x]), if y ∉ fv(N)

    6. (λy.M)[N/x] $\overset{def}{=}$​ λz.(M[z/y][N/x]), if y ∈ fv(N) and z fresh(下面将讨论命名捕获)

  • 避免命名捕获 avoid name capture

    • name capture:(λx. x-y)[x/y],如果替换则得到 λx. x-x
    • 避免方案:在 substitution 之前 rename bound variable
  • 例子:

    (λx. (λy. y z) (λw. w) z x) [y/z]

    = λx. (((λy. y z) (λw. w) z)[y/z] x[y/z]),用的是上面的定义

    = λx. ( (λy. y z)[y/z] (λw. w)[y/z] z[y/z] x[y/z] ),用定义 3
    = λx. ( (λu. (u z)[u/y][y/z]) (λw. w)[y/z] z[y/z] x[y/z] ),用定义 6
    = …

  • 例子:(λx. (λy. y y) z x)[(f x)/z]

规约规则 Reduction rules:

  • $$
    \frac{}{(\lambda x.M)N \rightarrow M[N/x]} \quad (\beta) \\quad \

    \frac{M \rightarrow M^{\prime}}{M N \rightarrow M^{\prime} N} \\quad \

    \frac{N \rightarrow N^{\prime}}{M N \rightarrow M N^{\prime}} \\quad \

    \frac{M \rightarrow M^{\prime}}{\lambda x . M \rightarrow \lambda x . M^{\prime}}

  • “分子” 是前提,”分母” 是结论

  • → 不是等号,是一种 relation,如 “M -> M’” 表示 M 可规约一步到 M’
    subsitution 用等号,reduction 用箭头

  • 例子:

    (λf. f x) (λy. y) 

    → (f x)[(λy. y)/f] // 用 β
    = (λy. y) x // 用定义 3、1、2
    → y[x/y] // 用 β
    = x

  • 例子:

    (λy. λx. x - y) x 

    → (λx. x - y)[x/y]
    = λz. ((x - y)[z/x][x/y])
    = λz. ((z - y)[x/y])
    = λz. z - x

  • 例子:λx. (λy. y+1) x
    有 (λy. y+1) x → (y+1)[x/y] = x+1
    用 4th rule 得 λx. (λy. y+1) x → λx. x+1

  • 例子:(λf. λz. f (f z)) (λy. y+x) // apply (β)
    → λz. (λy. y+x) ((λy. y+x) z) // apply (β) and the 3rd &4th rules
    → λz. (λy. y+x) (z+x) // apply (β) and the 4th rule
    → λz. z+x+x

Normal form:

  • β-redes:一个形式为 (λx. M) N 的 term
  • β-normal form:一个不含 β-redex 的项
    • stopping point:不能再用 β-reduction 规则
  • 例子:
    (λf. λx. f (f x)) (λy. y+1) 2
    → ( λx. (λy. y+1) ((λy. y+1) x) ) 2
    → ( λx. (λy. y+1) (x+1) ) 2
    → ( λx. x+1+1 ) 2
    → 2+1+1

Confluence 合流性(Church-Rosser Property):

  • 无论用怎样的策略去 reduction,这个 term 最终达到同一个结果(如果有的话)

  • 把合流性形式化表达(Formalizing Confluence Theorem)

    • 定义:$M \rightarrow^* M’$ 为 zero-or-more steps of → 使得 M 到 M’

    • 归纳法定义 inductive definition 如下:

      $\begin{aligned}&M \rightarrow^0 M’ & \text{iff}& \quad M=M’ \& M \rightarrow^{k+1} M’ & \text{iff}&\quad \exists M’’.M\rightarrow M’’ \and M’’ \rightarrow^k M’ \ & M \rightarrow^*M’ & \text{iff}&\quad \exists k.M\rightarrow^k M’ \end{aligned}$

    • Confluence Theorem

      • M → M1 → M’
        ↘ M2 ↗
      • 若 $M\rightarrow^* M_1,M \rightarrow^* M_2$ ,则存在 M’,满足 $M_1\rightarrow^* M’,M_2 \rightarrow^* M’$
  • 推论:

    • 由于 α-equivalence,每个 term 最多有一个 normal form

    • 提问:如果一个 term 有多个 β-redex,哪个会被选择来规约

      • good news:无论哪个被选,至多一个 normal form
      • bad news:一些规约策略可能无法找到 normal form
        • Non-terminating reduction 例子
          • (λx. x x) (λx. x x)
            → (λx. x x) (λx. x x)
            → …
          • (λx. x x y) (λx. x x y)
            → (λx. x x y) (λx. x x y) y
            → …
          • (λx. f (x x)) (λx. f (x x))
            → f ((λx. f (x x)) (λx. f (x x)))
            → …
        • 同时有 Non-terminating 和 terminating reduction 的例子
          • 例子:
            (λu. λv. v) ((λx. x x)(λx. x x))
            → λv. v
          • 例子:
            (λu. λv. v) ((λx. x x)(λx. x x))
            → (λu. λv. v) ((λx. x x)(λx. x x))
            → …

      Reduction strategies:

    • Normal-order reduction:优先选 left-most、outer-most 的 redex

      • left-most: whose lambda is left to any other
        outer-most: not contained in any other
        inner-most: not contain any other
      • 在函数并没有用到 bound variable 时会使得 reduction 更快
      • 例子:
        (λx. x x) ((λy. y) (λz. z))
        → ((λy. y) (λz. z)) ((λy. y) (λz. z))
        → (λz. z) ((λy. y) (λz. z))
        → (λy. y) (λz. z)
        → λz. z
    • Applicative-order reduction: 优先选 left-most、inner-most redex

      • 有时候会使得 reduction 次数变少( 原理比如 (λx. M)(N) 优先将 N 化简,这样避免了代入 M 后还要多次化简)
      • 例子:
        (λx. x x) ((λy. y) (λz. z))
        → (λx. x x) (λz. z)
        → (λz. z) (λz. z)
        → λz. z

Evaluation strategies:

  • reduction vs. evaluation(将 reduction 类比编程语言里的求值策略 evaluation strategies)

    • Call-by-name (类似 normal-order),实参不急着求值,而是代入到函数体里
      • ALGOL 60
    • Call-by-need(缓存版的 call-by-name),也称 “lazy evaluation”
      • Haskell,R,…
    • Call-by-value(类似 applicative-order),也称 “eager evaluation”
      • C,…
  • 二者的细微区别 subtle difference

    • Normal-order (or applicative-order) reduces under lambda
      • 允许函数体内的优化
      • 并不是期望的
      • λx. ((λy. y y) (λy. y y))
        → λx. ((λy. y y) (λy. y y))
        → …
    • Evaluation strategies:不会 reduces under lambda
  • Evaluation 并不总是都能规约到 normal form

    • 会停在包含 canonical form(比如一个 lambda abstraction)时

      & (\lambda x . x(\lambda y . x y y) x)(\lambda z . \lambda w . z) \ & \rightarrow(\lambda z . \lambda w . z)(\lambda y .(\lambda z . \lambda w . z) y y)(\lambda z . \lambda w . z) \
      & \rightarrow(\lambda w . \lambda y .(\lambda z . \lambda w . z) y y)(\lambda z . \lambda w . z) \
      & \rightarrow \lambda y .(\lambda z . \lambda w . z) y y \quad \quad (evaluation 会停在这)\
      & \rightarrow \lambda y .(\lambda w . y) y \
      & \rightarrow \lambda y . y
      \end{aligned} $​

  • Evaluation 只对 closed term 求值

    • closed term:没有自由变量
    • closed normal term 一定是 canonical form,但并不是每一个 closed canonical form 都是 normal form
  • 如果 normal-order reduction 中止,在规约过程中一定包含一个 first cononical form

  • 例子:
    (λx. λy. x y) (λx. x)
    → λy. (λx. x) y (evaluation 中止在此)
    → λy. y

  • 例子:
    (λx. λy. x x) (λx. x x)
    → λy. (λx. x x) (λx. x x) (evaluation 中止在此)

  • 例子:
    (λx. x x) (λx. x x)
    → (λx. x x) (λx. x x)
    → … (reduction 和 evaluation 都不中止)

  • Normal-order evaluation rules:
    \frac{}{\lambda x . M \Rightarrow \lambda x . M} \quad (Term)
    \frac{M \Rightarrow \lambda x . M^{\prime} \quad\quad M^{\prime}[N / x] \Rightarrow P}{M N \Rightarrow P}\quad (\beta)

    • 例子:

    • small-step 版规则(注意下面是单箭头不是双箭头):
      \frac{}{(\lambda x.M)N \rightarrow M[N/x]} \quad (\beta) \\quad \

      \frac{M \rightarrow M^{\prime}}{M N \rightarrow M^{\prime} N} \\quad
      比起 reduction rules 少了两个规则,因为 normal-order 并不想优先对 N->N’ 和 M->M’ 做化简,只要 evaluation 到了 canonical form 就会停止

  • Eager evaluation rules:

    • Postpone 延迟 the substitution until the argument is a canonical form.
      No need to reduce many copies of the argument separately.
      \frac{}{\lambda x.M \Rightarrow_{E} \lambda x.M} \quad\quad (Term) \\frac{M \Rightarrow_{E} \lambda x.M^{\prime} \quad\quad N \Rightarrow_{E} N^{\prime} \quad\quad M^{\prime}\left[N^{\prime} / x\right] \Rightarrow_{E} P}{M N \Rightarrow_{E} P} \quad\quad (\beta)

    • 例子:

      <img src="image-20210928174113312.png" style="zoom: 60%;" />
    • small-step 版规则(注意下面是单箭头不是双箭头):
      思想是,当 M 已经到达 Canonical form 后(用了第2个规则),现在还需要对 N 做 evaluation,当 N 已经有 Canonical form(用了第3个规则),之后就可以做 β 替换了。
      \frac{}{(\lambda x.M)(\lambda y.N) \rightarrow M[(\lambda y.N)/x]} \quad (\beta) \\quad \ \frac{M \rightarrow M^{\prime}}{M N \rightarrow M^{\prime} N} \\quad \ \frac{N \rightarrow N^{\prime}}{(\lambda x.M) N \rightarrow (\lambda x.M) N^{\prime}}

      Programming in λ-calculus

Boolean(encoding boolean values and operators):

  • True ≡ λx. λy. x
  • False ≡ λx. λy. y
  • not ≡ λb. b False True
    • not True
      = (λb. b False True) True
      → True False True
      = (λx. λy. x) False True
      → (λy. False) True
      → False
    • not False
      → False False True
      → True
  • and ≡ λb. λb’. b b’ False
  • or ≡ λb. λb’. b True b’
  • if b then M else N ≡ b M N
  • not’ ≡ λb. λx. λy. b y x

Church Numerals(Church 是个人名):

  • $\underline{0}$ ≡ λf. λx. x
  • $\underline{1}$ ≡ λf. λx. f x
  • $\underline{2}$ ≡ λf. λx. f (f x)
  • $\underline{n}$ ≡ λf. λx. fn x
  • succ ≡ λn. λf. λx. f (n f x)
    • succ $\underline{n}$
      → λf. λx. f (n f x)
      = λf. λx. f ((λf. λx. $f^n$ x) f x)
      → λf. λx. f ($f^n$ x)
      = λf. λx. $f^{n+1}$ x
      = $\underline{n+1}$
  • iszero ≡ λn. λx. λy. n (λz. y) x
    • iszero 0
      → λx. λy. 0 (λz. y) x
      = λx. λy. (λf. λx. x) (λz. y) x
      → λx. λy. (λx. x) x
      → λx. λy. x = True
    • iszero 1
      → λx. λy. 1 (λz. y) x
      = λx. λy. (λf. λx. f x) (λz. y) x
      → λx. λy. (λx. (λz. y) x) x
      → λx. λy. ((λz. y) x)
      → λx. λy. y = False
    • iszero (succ n) →* False
  • add ≡ λn. λm. λf. λx. n f (m f x)
  • mult ≡ λn. λm. λf. n (m f)


  • $(M, N) \equiv \lambda f . f\ \mathrm{M}\ N$
  • $\pi_{0} \equiv \lambda p \cdot p(\lambda x . \lambda y \cdot x)$
  • $\pi_{1} \equiv \lambda p \cdot p(\lambda x \cdot \lambda y \cdot y)$


  • $\left(M_{1}, \ldots, M_{n}\right) \equiv \lambda f_{.} f\left(M_{1} \ldots M_{n}\right.$
  • $\pi_{\mathrm{i}} \equiv \lambda \mathrm{p} . \mathrm{p}\left(\lambda \mathrm{x}{1} …. \lambda \mathrm{x}{\mathrm{n}}. \mathrm{x}_{\mathrm{i}}\right)$

Recursive functions:

  • 我们要 encode fact(n) = if (n==0) then 1 else n*fact(n-1) 这个递归函数

  • 先引入 fixpoint

    • 数学上的不动点 fixpoint in arithmetic:f(x)=x,此时 x 是 f 的不动点

    • fact 是函数的不动点,证明:

      • fact(n) = if (n == 0) then 1 else n * fact(n-1)
      • fact = λn. if (n == 0) then 1 else n * fact(n-1)
      • fact = (λf. λn. if (n == 0) then 1 else n * f(n-1)) fact
      • F = λf. λn. if (n == 0) then 1 else n * f(n-1)
        fact = F fact,类似 x=f(x) 符合上面数学不动点的公式,得证。
    • 在 λ-calculus 每个 term 都有一个不动点

    • Fixpoint combinator:一个高阶函数 h,使得对所有的 f,(h f) 是一个不动点,即 h f = f (h f)

      • Turing’s fixpoint combinator Θ :令 A = λx. λy. y (x x y),则 Θ = A A

        证明:对于所有的 f,Θ f = f (Θ f)(其中等号意味着 $\rightarrow^* \and \leftarrow ^* $,即左右可以相互 reduce 得到)
        $\begin{aligned}\Theta f &= A A f \ &=(\lambda x.\lambda y. y( x x y)) A f \&\rightarrow (\lambda y. y(AAy)) f \ &\rightarrow f(AA f) \&= f(\Theta f) \end{aligned}$

      • Church’s fixpoint combinator YY = λf. (λx. f (x x)) (λx. f (x x))

  • 此时,对 fact 的 encode,可以令 F = λf. λn. if (n == 0) then 1 else n * f(n-1),则 fact = Θ F

Simply-Typed Lambda Calculus (STLC)

review of untyped λ-calculus:

  • (λx. x x) (λx. x x) → ...
  • 所以这部分内容是给 λ-calculus 加类型系统


  • Type checking catched “simple” mistakes early
  • (Type safety) Well-typed programs will not go wrong
  • Typed programs are easier to analyze and optimize


  • Typing rules 定型规则:assign types to terms
  • Type safety


  • statement:J 是关于某些形式化的性质
  • derivation(比如 a proof):⊢ J 推导,比如 ⊢ M : τ 是 informal 地表示 M 有类型 τ
  • meaning(”judgment semantics”):⊨ J 定义 J 的含义

为 λ-calculus 加类型:

  • (Types) τ,σ ::= T | σ -> τ
  • (Terms) M, N ::= x | λx : τ. M | M N

Typin judgment:

  • Γ ⊢ M : τ,M 在上下文 Γ 中是类型 τ

    • $\Gamma \in \mathcal{P}(Var \times Type)$,是一个集合
  • Typring context (a set of typing assumptions):
    Γ ::= · | Γ, x:τ

    • ·:Empty context,说明 M 是 closed terms(即没有自由变量)
    • Γ, x:τ 是一个集合,表示 Γ 再加上所有 M 中自由变量的类型

Typing rules(a.k.a. Static Semantics):
\frac{}{\Gamma, x: \tau \vdash x: \tau} \quad(var)
\frac{\Gamma \vdash M: \sigma \rightarrow \tau \quad\quad\quad \Gamma \vdash N: \sigma}{\Gamma \vdash M N: \tau}\quad (app)
\frac{\Gamma, x: \sigma \vdash M: \tau}{\Gamma \vdash(\lambda x: \sigma . M): \sigma \rightarrow \tau}\quad (abs)

  • typing derivation 例子:

Soundness and completeness 可靠性和完备性:

  • Soundness:A sound type system never accepts a program that can go wrong

    • No false negatives 没有假阴性

    • well-type terms in STLC never go wrong

      • type safety theorem
        If $\cdot \vdash M: \tau$ and $M \rightarrow^{*} M^{\prime}$
        then $\cdot \vdash M^{\prime}: \tau$ and ($M^{\prime} \in \text{Values}$ or $\exists M^{\prime \prime} . M^{\prime} \rightarrow M^{\prime \prime}$)

        • Values:定义在语言语义中的,比如 λ-abstraction (λx. M)、constants (c),即表示规约到一个具体的值了
        • 即是说,well-typed term 要么不会终止规约,要么规约到一个期望类型的值
      • type safety 的两个 key lemmas

        • preservation (subject reduction)
          If $\cdot \vdash M: \tau$​ and $M \rightarrow M^{\prime}$​,
          then $\cdot \vdash M^{\prime}: \tau$​
        • progress
          If $\cdot \vdash M: \tau$​​​,
          then ($M \in \text{Values}$​​​ or $\exists M^{\prime} . M \rightarrow M^{\prime}$​​​​)
        • 一个问题:当修改 type system 或 reduction rule 时,preservation 和 progress 是否还能成立

对 type safety 的证明(From Lecture Notes)

  • 证之前先重设一下现在的 Syntax 和 Semantics:
    e &::=c\ |\ \lambda x \cdot e \ |\ x \mid e\ e \
    v &::=c \mid \lambda x \cdot e \
    \tau &::=\text { int } \mid \tau \rightarrow \tau \
    \Gamma &::=\cdot \mid \Gamma, x: \tau
    \\quad\ Evaluation\ Rules:\quad\quad
&\frac{}{(\lambda x . e) v \rightarrow e[v / x]} &  \text{(E-APPLY)}
\\\\ &
\frac{e_{1} \rightarrow e_{1}^{\prime}}{e_{1} e_{2} \rightarrow e_{1}^{\prime} e_{2}} &  \text{(E-APP1)}
\\\\ &
\frac{e_{2} \rightarrow e_{2}^{\prime}}{v e_{2} \rightarrow v e_{2}^{\prime}} &  \text{(E-APP2)}

\\\quad\\ Typing\ Rules:\quad\quad

&\frac{}{\Gamma \vdash c: \text { int }} & \text{(T-CONST)}
\\\\ &
\frac{}{\Gamma \vdash x: \Gamma(x)} & \text{(T-VAR)}
\\\\ &
\frac{\Gamma, x: \tau_{1} \vdash e: \tau_{2} \quad x \notin \operatorname{Dom}(\Gamma)}{\Gamma \vdash \lambda x . e: \tau_{1} \rightarrow \tau_{2}} & \text{(T-FUN)}
\\\\ &
\frac{\Gamma \vdash e_{1}: \tau_{2} \rightarrow \tau_{1} \quad \Gamma \vdash e_{2}: \tau_{2}}{\Gamma \vdash e_{1} e_{2}: \tau_{1}} & \text{(T-APP)}
  • 首先证 progress(If $\cdot \vdash e: \tau$​​​,then ($e \in \text{Values}$​​​ or $\exists e^{\prime} . e \rightarrow e^{\prime}$​​​)),可以看到 progress 的前提是 $\cdot \vdash e: \tau$​​​​​​,那如何可以得到 $\cdot \vdash e: \tau$​​​​​​​(使其满足的前提是什么)?答案是 typing rules 的里的 “分子” 即 condition。所以要对每个 typing rule,利用得到的 condition 单独讨论。
    • 一些前置 Lemma
      • Canonical Forms:
        If $\cdot \vdash v: \tau$, then
            i. If $\tau$ is int, then $v$ is a constant, i.e., some $c$.
            ii. If $\tau$ is $\tau_{1} \rightarrow \tau_{2}$, then $v$ is a lambda, i.e., $\lambda x . e$ for some $x$ and e.
    • 对 T-CONST,此时 e 是 c,一个常量,属于 Values,满足 progress。不用多说。
    • 对 T-VAR,想要 $\cdot \vdash e: \tau$ 匹配 $\Gamma \vdash x: \Gamma(x)$,不可能,即 $\cdot \vdash e: \tau$ 不可能从 T-VAR 得到(因为 Γ 是 ·,所以不可能存在 Γ(x)),此时 progress 的 if 是 false 的,那么 progress 自然满足。T-VAR 改为 $\frac{}{\Gamma, x: \tau\ \vdash\ x: \tau}$​ 也是可行的。
    • 对 T-FUN,此时 e 是 $\lambda x. e’ $(出现了两个 e,所以后面一个加个撇),是一个 λ-abstraction,属于 Values,满足 progress。
    • 对 T-APP,此时 e 是 $e_1 e_2$​​,通过 T-APP 由果得因得到 condition 是 $· \vdash e_{1}: \tau_{2} \rightarrow \tau_{1}$​​ 且 $·\vdash e_2 : \tau_2 $​​。
      如果 e1 不属于 Values,那么 e1 可以继续规约(在这里就用了 progress),即有 e1 → e1’,运用一下 E-APP1,此时 $e_1 e_2 \rightarrow e_1’ e_2$​​,即能向前规约一步
      如果 e1 属于 Values,
      若 e2 不属于 Values,同理用 E-APP2,有 $e_1 e_2 \rightarrow e_1e_2'$​​,即<font color=blue>能向前规约一步</font>。
      若 e2 属于 Values,由于 $· \vdash e_{1}: \tau_{2} \rightarrow \tau_{1}$​​,此时 e1 一定是个 λ-abstraction(PDF 里先证 Canonical Forms 这个 Lemma 后得到),运用 E-APPLY,`e1 e2` 是<font color=blue>能向前规约一步</font>的。
  • 然后证 preservation(If $\cdot \vdash e: \tau$​​​​​ and $e \rightarrow e^{\prime} $​​​​​,then $\cdot \vdash e^{\prime}: \tau$​​​​​),和证 progress 一样的方式。
    • 一些前置 Lemma
      • Substitution:$\text { If } \Gamma, x: \tau^{\prime} \vdash e: \tau \text { and } \Gamma \vdash e^{\prime}: \tau^{\prime}, \text { then } \Gamma \vdash e\left[e^{\prime} / x\right]: \tau $
      • Weakening:$\text { If } \Gamma \vdash e: \tau \text { and } x \notin \operatorname{Dom}(\Gamma), \text { then } \Gamma, x: \tau^{\prime} \vdash e: \tau $
      • Exchange:$\text { If } \Gamma, x: \tau_{1}, y: \tau_{2} \vdash e: \tau \text { and } y \neq x, \text { then } \Gamma, y: \tau_{2}, x: \tau_{1} \vdash e: \tau $
    • 对 T-CONST,e 是 c,一个常量,这是不满足 $e\rightarrow e’$ 的,所以不可能。满足 preservation(if 是 false 的,那 if-then 就是 true 的)
    • 对 T-VAR,和证 progress 时的 T-VAR 类似,在空上下文中无法做 typecheck,所以这个 if 也是 false,即 if 的条件不可能是从 T-VAR 导出的。
    • 对 T-FUN,e 是 $\lambda x. e_b$,一个 λ-abstraction,属于 Values,其不满足 $e\rightarrow e’$​ 的,所以不可能。
    • 对 T-APP,此时 e 是 $e_1 e_2$​,通过 T-APP 由果得因得到 condition 是 $· \vdash e_{1}: \tau_{2} \rightarrow \tau$​ 且 $·\vdash e_2 : \tau_2 $​。
      然后对于条件 $e\rightarrow e’$​(也是 $e_1e_2 \rightarrow e’$​),有三种可能导出 $\cdot \vdash e^{\prime}: \tau$​ 如下
      • 对 E-APP1,由 $e=e_1e_2$​​​ 且 $e’=e_1’e_2$​​​​​,得 $e_1 \rightarrow e_1’ $​​​​​。
        又 $·\ \vdash e_1 : \tau_2 \rightarrow \tau$​​​​​,得 $·\ \vdash e_1’ : \tau_2 \rightarrow \tau$​​​​​。(在这里就用了 preservation)
        又 $·\vdash e_2 : \tau_2 $​​​​​,用 T-APP 得 $\cdot \vdash e_1’e_2: \tau$​​​​​。故 $\cdot \vdash e^{\prime}: \tau$​​​​​。
      • 对 E-APP2,由 $e=ve_2$ 且 $e’=ve_2’$,得 $v=e_1$ 且 $e_2 \rightarrow e_2’$。
        又 $·\vdash e_2 : \tau_2 $,得 $·\vdash e_2’ : \tau_2 $。
        又 $· \vdash e_{1}: \tau_{2} \rightarrow \tau $,用 T-APP 得 $\cdot \vdash e_1e_2’: \tau$。故 $\cdot \vdash e^{\prime}: \tau $.
      • 对 E-APPLY,由 $e=(\lambda x. e_b)v$ 且 $e’ = e_b[v/x] $,得 $e_1$ 是 $\lambda x. e_b$ 且 $e_2$ 是 $v$。
        又 $· \vdash e_{1}: \tau_{2} \rightarrow \tau $,得 $·,x:\tau_2 \vdash e_b :\tau$。
        又 $·\vdash e_2 : \tau_2 $ 再用上 Substitution Lemma(PDF里有证明)得 $· \vdash e_b[e_2/x] : \tau$。故 $\cdot \vdash e^{\prime}: \tau $。
  • Completeness:A complete type system never rejects a program that can’t go wrong
    • No false positives 没有假阳性
    • not complete example
      • 对于 (λx. (x (λy. y)) (x 3)) (λz. z) 无法找到 σ, τ 使 x:σ ⊢ (x (λy. y)) (x 3):τ,因为对于 x 我们无法 pick 到一个类型
      • 但实际上 (λx. (x (λy. y)) (x 3)) (λz. z) 能规约到 3
      • strong normalization theorem:well-typed terms in STLC always terminate
        (λx. x x) (λx. x x) 无法终止,故不能被 assigned 一个类型
  • 然而对于图灵完备的程序设计语言,程序是否会出错是不能确定的
    • 类型系统不能又 sound 又 complete
    • 在保证 sound 的前提下,尽可能 complete

Adding stuff 扩展


  • Extend the syntax (types & terms)
  • Extend the operational semantics (reduction rules)
  • Extend the type system (typing rules)
  • Extend the soundness proof (new proof cases)

adding product type:

  • (Types) τ,σ ::= ...(之前的) | σ x τ

  • (Terms) M,N ::= ...(之前的) | <M,N> | proj1 M | proj2 M

  • Reduction rules(下面式子中把 proj1 改成 proj2 或者把 M 改成 N,可以有另外 3 个 rules)
    \frac{}{\text {proj1}<\mathrm{M}, \mathrm{N}>\rightarrow \mathrm{M} }
    \frac{\mathrm{M} \rightarrow \mathrm{M}^{\prime} }{<\mathrm{M}, \mathrm{N}>\rightarrow<\mathrm{M}^{\prime}, \mathrm{N}>}

    \frac{\mathrm{M} \rightarrow \mathrm{M}^{\prime}}{\operatorname{proj1} \mathrm{M} \rightarrow \operatorname{proj1} \mathrm{M}^{\prime}}

  • Typing rules
    &\frac{\Gamma \vdash \mathrm{M}: \sigma \quad \Gamma \vdash \mathrm{N}: \tau}{\Gamma \vdash<\mathrm{M}, \mathrm{N}>: \sigma \times \tau} \text { (pair) } \\quad\
    &\frac{\Gamma \vdash \mathrm{M}: \sigma \times \tau}{\Gamma \vdash \operatorname{proj1} \mathrm{M}: \sigma}(\text {proj1) } \\quad\
    &\frac{\Gamma \vdash \mathrm{M}: \sigma \times \tau}{\Gamma \vdash \operatorname{proj2} \mathrm{M}: \tau}(\operatorname{proj2})

  • typing derivation example

  • 加类型后要证 soundness theorem (证 type safety)

    • Preservation
    • Progress 里的 Values 要包括新加的 <v1,v2>

Adding sum stype:

  • (Types) τ,σ ::= ... | σ + τ

  • (Terms) M,N ::= ... | left M | right M | case M do M1 M2

    • 类比 Java 中两个子类实现接口方法,具体一个 instance 执行的时候还是要看是哪个子类的方法。
      如果 instance 是 left 类(型)构造出来的,则执行 M1 方法,如果是 right 类(型)
  • reduction rules:
    \frac{}{\text{case (left M) do M1 M2 } \rightarrow \text{M1 M}}
    \frac{}{\text{case (right M) do M1 M2 } \rightarrow \text{M2 M}}
    \frac{M \rightarrow M’}{ \text{case (M) do M1 M2 } \rightarrow \text{case (M’) do M1 M2 } }
    \frac{M1 \rightarrow M1’}{ \text{case (M) do M1 M2 } \rightarrow \text{case (M) do M1’ M2 } }
    \frac{M2 \rightarrow M2’}{ \text{case (M) do M1 M2 } \rightarrow \text{case (M) do M1 M2’ } }
    \frac{M \rightarrow M’}{ \text{left M} \rightarrow \text{left} M’ }
    \frac{M \rightarrow M’}{ \text{right M} \rightarrow \text{right} M’ }

  • typing rules:
    \frac{\Gamma \vdash \mathrm{M}: \sigma}{\Gamma \vdash \text { left } \mathrm{M}: \sigma+\tau} \text { (left) } \quad \frac{\Gamma \vdash \mathrm{M}: \tau}{\Gamma \vdash \text { right } \mathrm{M}: \sigma+\tau} \text { (right) }
    \frac{\Gamma \vdash \mathrm{M}: \sigma+\tau \quad\quad \Gamma \vdash \mathrm{M} 1: \sigma \rightarrow \rho \quad\quad \Gamma \vdash \mathrm{M} 2: \tau \rightarrow \rho}{\Gamma \vdash \text { case M do M1 M2: } \rho} \text{(case)}

  • typing derivation examples

  • 加类型后要证 soundness theorem (证 type safety)

    • Preservation
    • Progress 里的 Values 要包括新加的 left vright v

Products vs. sums:

  • “logical duals” (more on this later)
    • To make a σ x τ, we need a σ and a τ
    • To make a σ + τ, we need a σ or a τ
    • Given a σ x τ, we can get a σ or a τ or both (our “choice”)
    • Given a σ + τ, we must be prepared for either a σ or a τ (the value’s “choice”)

Add recursion:

  • 由于 “strong normalization theorem”,即每个 well-typed terms 在 STLC 中要能终止。而有的递归是不会终止的,所以递归不被定型规则接纳(不可能找到 fixed-point combinators 的类型)

  • 现在,添加一个递归的显式构造器:
    (Types) τ,σ ::= ... (如上所说,不加新的类型)
    (Terms) M,N ::= ... | fix M

  • 对于 fix 的 reduction rules:
    \frac{}{\mathbf{fix}\ \lambda x.M \rightarrow M[\mathbf{fix}\ \lambda x.M/x]}
    \frac{M\rightarrow M’}{\mathbf{fix}\ M \rightarrow \mathbf{fix}\ M’}

  • 对 fix 定型(typing fix)
    \frac{\Gamma \vdash M: \tau \rightarrow \tau}{\Gamma \vdash \text { fix } M: \tau} \text { (fix) }

    • Math explanation:
      If M is a function from τ to τ,
      then fix M, the fixed-point of M, is some τ with the fixed-point property
    • Operational explanation:
      fix λx.M’ reduces to M’[fix λx.M’/x]
      • The substitution [fix λx.M’/x] 意味着 xfix λx.M’ 同类型
      • The result M'fix λx.M’ 规约而来,意味着二者同类型
  • 而 strong normalization 则被消除了

Curry-Howard isomorphism 同构


  • 定义 PL
  • 定义类型系统来找出 bad 程序


  • 定义逻辑命题,比如 p, q ::= B | p∧q | p∨q | p=>q
  • 定义一个证明系统,去证明一些 “good” propositions

Slogens 口号:

  • Propositions are Types 命题就是类型
  • Proofs are Programs 证明就是程序

Empty and nonempty types:

  • “nonempty” types:存在这样类型的 closed terms

    • λx: τ. x: τ → τ
    • λx: τ. λf: τ → σ. f x: τ → (τ → σ) → σ
    • λf: τ → σ → ρ. λx: σ. λy: τ. f y x: (τ → σ → ρ) → σ → τ → ρ
    • λx: τ. <left x, left x>: τ → ((τ + σ) × (τ + ρ))
    • λf: τ → ρ. λg: σ → ρ. λx: τ + σ. (case x do f g): (τ → ρ) → (σ → ρ) → (τ + σ) → ρ
    • λx: τ × σ. λy: ρ. < <y, proj1 x>, proj2 x >: (τ × σ) → ρ → ((ρ × τ) × σ)
  • “empty” types:没有这样类型的 closed terms,也构造不出来

    • τ
    • τ → σ
    • τ + (τ → σ)
    • τ → (σ → τ) → σ
  • 那如何得知一个 type 是否是 nonempty

    • eliminate:将 换为 =>,将 × 换为 ,将 + 换为

    • nonempty(即以下可以在命题逻辑中被证明)

      • τ => τ

        τ => (τ => σ) => σ

        (τ => σ => ρ) => σ => τ => ρ

        τ => ((τ ∨ σ) ∧ (τ ∨ ρ))

        (τ => ρ) => (σ => ρ) => (τ ∨ σ) => ρ

        (τ ∧ σ) => ρ => ((ρ ∧ τ) ∧ σ)

    • empty(以下无法在命题逻辑中被证明)

      • τ
        τ => σ
        τ ∨ (τ => σ)
        τ => (σ => τ) => σ
    • 例子:propositional-logic proof 命题逻辑证明

    • propositional logic(natural deduction 自然推导)


  • 给定一个 well-typed closed terms,在 typing derivation 上 erase 这些 terms,最终得到一个 propositional-logic proof

  • 给定一个 propositional-logic proof 存在一个 closed term 为该类型

  • 一个可以经过 type-checks 的 term 即是一个证明,它表明了 logic formula 如何 derive 到它的类型

    • λx: τ. x is a proof that τ => τ
    • λx: τ. λf: τ → σ. f x is a proof that τ => (τ => σ) => σ
    • λf: τ → σ → ρ. λx: σ. λy: τ. f y x is a proof that (τ => σ => ρ) => σ => τ => ρ
    • λx: τ. <left x, left x> is a proof that τ => ((τ ∨ σ) ∧ (τ ∨ ρ))
    • λf: τ → ρ. λg: σ → ρ. λx: τ + σ. (case x do f g) is a proof that (τ => ρ) => (σ => ρ) => (τ ∨ σ) => ρ
    • λx: τ × σ. λy: ρ. < <y, proj1 x>, proj2 x > is a proof that (τ ∧ σ) => ρ => ((ρ ∧ τ) ∧ σ)
  • Constructive (hold that thought) propositional logic(构造主义的命题逻辑) 与
    simply-typed lambda-calculus with pairs and sums 是同样的东西(同构)

    • Computation and logic(logic 为了做证明) are deeply connected
    • λ is no more or less made up than implication 蕴含
  • “一个逻辑无论如何会对应到类型系统上面”

  • why care,为什么关心 curry-howard 同构

    • fascinating
    • 不需要将 logic 和 computing 看作不一样的东西
    • Thinking “the other way” can help you know what’s possible/impossible 思考另一种方式给你带来新的可能与不可能
    • Can form the basis for automated theorem provers
    • Type systems should not be ad hoc piles of rules! 类型系统不应该是临时性的规则堆积!

Classical vs. Constructive 经典命题逻辑与构造主义的命题逻辑之间对比:

  • classical propositional logic 多了 “law of the excluded middle 排中律”
    \frac{}{\Gamma \vdash p \or(p \Rightarrow q)}
    \text{Think}\quad p \or \neg p

  • STLC does not support it: e.g. no closed term has type ρ+(ρ→σ)

  • Logics without this rule are called “constructive构造主义的” or “intuitionistic直觉主义的”

    • Formulae are only considered “true” when we have direct evidence (“proofs produce examples”)
  • 例子:

    • 定义:存在两个 irrational number 无理数 a 和 b 使得 $a^b$ 是有理数
    • 经典证明:使用排中律。对于 $\sqrt2^\sqrt2$
      • 如果它是有理数,诶,那 $a=b=\sqrt2$,得证
      • 如果它是无理数,令 $a = \sqrt2^\sqrt2, b=\sqrt2$,此时 $a^b = (\sqrt2^\sqrt2)^\sqrt2 = \sqrt2^{\sqrt2\times \sqrt2} = (\sqrt2)^2 = 2$,得证
    • Constructive logics would not accept this argument
  • In constructive logics, “branch on possibilities” by making “excluded middle” an explicit assumption 在构造主义逻辑里,硬是要引入排中律,只能显式引入:

对 “fix” 补充:

  • A “non-terminating proof” is no proof at all
  • 回想一下其定型规则是 $\frac{\Gamma \vdash M: \tau \rightarrow \tau}{\Gamma \vdash \text { fix } M: \tau} \text { (fix) }$,其中相当引入了 $\tau \rightarrow \tau$ 可以得到 $\tau$ ,如果有了这条规则那相当于能证 everything
  • So the “logic” is inconsistent

Last word on Curry-Howard:

  • Not just constructive propositional logic & STLC

  • Every logic has a corresponding typed system

    • Classical logics
    • Inconsistent logics
  • If you remember one thing:
    \frac{\Gamma \vdash M: \sigma \rightarrow \tau \quad\quad \Gamma \vdash N: \sigma}{\Gamma \vdash M N: \tau}(\mathrm{app}) \quad\Leftrightarrow\quad \frac{\Gamma \vdash p \Rightarrow q \quad\quad \Gamma \vdash p}{\Gamma \vdash q} (\Rightarrow -elim)

Operational Semantics

现在让我们从 functional language 回到 Imperative languages

Why formal semantics(Formal semantics gives an unambiguous不含糊的 definition of what a program written in the language should do):

  • Understand the subtleties细微之处 of the language
  • Offer a formal reference and a correctness definition for implementors of tools (parsers, compilers, interpreters, debuggers, etc)
  • Prove global properties of any program written in the language
  • Verify programs against formal specifications
  • Prove two different programs are equivalent/non-equivalent
  • From a computer readable version of the semantics, an interpreter can be automatically generated (full compiler generation is not yet feasible可行的)

semantics 分类:

  • Operational semantics 操作语义:程序如何一步步执行(比如 λ-calculus 里的 reduction rules)
  • Denotational semantics 指称语义:将程序指称到某种数学对象上(比如 tree、linklist)
  • Axiomatic semantics 公理语义:推导程序性质的证明系统

Operational semantics


  • write down the evaluation/execution steps, if given the operational semantics rules
  • formulate the operational semantics rule, if given the informal meaning of an expression/statement


  • 操作语义定义了程序的执行

  • Sequence of steps, formulated as transitions of an abstract machine

  • Configurations of the abstract machine include:

    • Expression/statement being evaluated/executed
    • States: abstract description of registers, memory and other data structures involved in computation
  • Different approaches of operational semantics:

    • Small-step semantics:描述了每一步执行
    • Big-step semantics:描述了执行的总体结果 overall result

接下来到具体的 small-step 和 big-step 之前,先描述一下待会要作为例子的命令式语言的语法

Syntax of a Simple Imperative Language:

  • 注意这里加粗的 $\mathbf{n}$,表示的是数字 numerals $\mathbf{0,1,2,\cdots}$,本身没有意义,只是用来描述这些数的语法 syntax。
    需要区分其和自然数 natural numbers $0, 1,2,\cdots $ 之间的区别。
  • 我们用 $\lfloor\mathbf{n}\rfloor $ 来表示 the meaning of $\mathbf{n}$,现在假设 $\lfloor\mathbf{n}\rfloor=n,\lfloor\mathbf{1}\rfloor=1,\cdots $
  • The distinction is subtle 不易察觉的; 狡猾的; 巧妙的, but important, because it is one manifestation表示 of the difference between syntax and semantics.


  • (State) σ ∈ Var → Values
  • Values 是什么?$\mathbf{n} \ or \ n\ ? $,答案是都可以,反正我们认为 Values 是 natural number, boolean values 等
  • 对于 σ1 = {(x, 2), (y, 3), (a, 10)} 我们写作 $ { x\rightsquigarrow2, y\rightsquigarrow3,a\rightsquigarrow10 } $,简约起见,都假设是 total function
  • 单点修改:$\sigma_1 { y\rightsquigarrow7 } { x\rightsquigarrow2, y\rightsquigarrow7,a\rightsquigarrow10 } $
  • 后面的操作语义会使用这样的 configurations 形式 $(e,\sigma), (b,\sigma) $



Small-step structural operational semantics (SOS):

  • Systematic definition of operational semantics
    • The program syntax is inductively-defined
    • So we can also define the semantics of a program in terms of the semantics of its parts
    • “Structural”: syntax oriented and inductive
  • 例子
    • The state transition for e1 + e2 is described using the transition for e1 and the transition for e2
    • The state transition for c1;c2 is described using the transitionfor c1 and the transition for c2.

Small-step SOS for expression evaluation:

  • addition:
    \frac{\left(e_{1}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(e_{1}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}{\left(e_{1}+e_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(e_{1}^{\prime}+e_{2}, \sigma\right)}
    \frac{\left(e_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(e_{2}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}{\left(\mathbf{n}+e_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(\mathbf{n}+e_{2}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}


    \frac{\left\lfloor\mathbf{n}{1}\right\rfloor\lfloor+\rfloor\left\lfloor\mathbf{n}{2}\right\rfloor=\lfloor\mathbf{n}\rfloor}{\left(\mathbf{n}{1}+\mathbf{n}{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow(\mathbf{n}, \sigma)}
    (需要注意上式和 $\begin{aligned}\frac{\left(e_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(e_{2}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}{\left(e_{1}+e_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(e_{1}+e_{2}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}
    \frac{\left(e_{1}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(e_{1}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}{\left(e_{1}+\mathbf{n}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(e_{1}^{\prime}+\mathbf{n}, \sigma\right)} \end{aligned} $ 不一样,左优先和右优先)

  • Subtraction,结构和 addition 类似,把 + 换成 - 即可

  • Variables:
    \frac{\sigma(x)=\lfloor\mathbf{n}\rfloor}{(x, \sigma) \longrightarrow(\mathbf{n}, \sigma)}

  • 总结
    \frac{\left(e_{1}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(e_{1}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}{\left(e_{1}+e_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(e_{1}^{\prime}+e_{2}, \sigma\right)}
    \frac{\left(e_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(e_{2}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}{\left(\mathbf{n}+e_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(\mathbf{n}+e_{2}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}
    \frac{\left(e_{1}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(e_{1}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}{\left(e_{1}-e_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(e_{1}^{\prime}-e_{2}, \sigma\right)}
    \frac{\left(e_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(e_{2}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}{\left(\mathbf{n}-e_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(\mathbf{n}-e_{2}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}
    \frac{\left\lfloor\mathbf{n}{1}\right\rfloor\left\lfloor+\left\rfloor\left\lfloor\mathbf{n}{2}\right\rfloor=\lfloor\mathbf{n}\rfloor\right.\right.}{\left(\mathbf{n}{1}+\mathbf{n}{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow(\mathbf{n}, \sigma)}
    \quad \frac{\left\lfloor\mathbf{n}{1}\right\rfloor\lfloor-\rfloor\left\lfloor\mathbf{n}{2}\right\rfloor=\lfloor\mathbf{n}\rfloor}{\left(\mathbf{n}{1}-\mathbf{n}{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow(\mathbf{n}, \sigma)}
    \frac{\sigma(x)=\lfloor\mathbf{n}\rfloor}{(x, \sigma) \longrightarrow(\mathbf{n}, \sigma)}

  • 例子:假设 σ(x) =10, σ(y)=42

    $(x+y, \sigma) \longrightarrow(10+y, \sigma) \longrightarrow(10+42, \sigma) \longrightarrow(52, \sigma) $

Small-step SOS for boolean expressions:

  • Comparisions:
    \frac{\left(e_{1}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(e_{1}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}{\left(e_{1}=e_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(e_{1}^{\prime}=e_{2}, \sigma\right)} \quad \frac{\left(e_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(e_{2}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}{\left(\mathbf{n}=e_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(\mathbf{n}=e_{2}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}
    \frac{\left.\left\lfloor\mathbf{n}{1}\right\rfloor \lfloor=\right\rfloor\left\lfloor\mathbf{n}{2}\right\rfloor}{\left(\mathbf{n}{1}=\mathbf{n}{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow(\mathbf{true }, \sigma)} \quad \frac{\left.\neg\left(\left\lfloor\mathbf{n}{1}\right\rfloor \lfloor=\right\rfloor\left\lfloor\mathbf{n}{2}\right\rfloor\right)}{\left(\mathbf{n}{1}=\mathbf{n}{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow(\mathbf{false }, \sigma)}

  • Negation:
    \frac{(b, \sigma) \longrightarrow\left(b^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}{(\neg b, \sigma) \longrightarrow\left(\neg b^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}
    \overline{(\neg \mathbf {true}, \sigma) \longrightarrow(\mathbf {false}, \sigma)} \quad \overline{( \neg \mathbf{false }, \sigma) \longrightarrow(\mathbf {true }, \sigma)}

  • Conjunction 合取:
    \frac{\left(b_{1}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(b_{1}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}{\left(b_{1} \wedge b_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(b_{1}^{\prime} \wedge b_{2}, \sigma\right)}


    \frac{\left(b_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(b_{2}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}{\left(\mathbf{true} \wedge b_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(\mathbf{true} \wedge b_{2}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}
    \frac{\left(b_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(b_{2}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}{\left(\mathbf {false} \wedge b_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(\mathbf { false } \wedge b_{2}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}
    \frac{}{(\mathbf { true } \wedge \mathbf { true, } \sigma) \longrightarrow(\mathbf { true, } \sigma)} \quad \frac{}{(\mathbf { true } \wedge \mathbf { false }, \sigma) \longrightarrow(\mathbf { false }, \sigma)}
    \frac{}{(\mathbf { false } \wedge \mathbf { true, } \sigma) \longrightarrow(\mathbf { false }, \sigma)} \quad \frac{}{(\mathbf { false } \wedge \mathbf { false, } \sigma) \longrightarrow(\mathbf { false }, \sigma)}

    • short-circuit calculation 版
      \frac{\left(b_{1}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(b_{1}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}{\left(b_{1} \wedge b_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(b_{1}^{\prime} \wedge b_{2}, \sigma\right)} \
\frac{}{\left(\mathbf { true } \wedge b_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(b_{2}, \sigma\right)} \\

\frac{}{\left(\mathbf { false } \wedge b_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow(\mathbf { false }, \sigma)}

Small-step SOS for statements(statement 执行关系一般是这种形式 $(c,\sigma)\longrightarrow(c’,\sigma’)\ or\ (c,\sigma)\longrightarrow \sigma’$):

  • skip
    \frac{}{(\mathbf{skip}, \sigma) \longrightarrow \sigma}

  • assignment
    \frac{(e, \sigma) \longrightarrow\left(e^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}{(x:=e, \sigma) \longrightarrow\left(x:=e^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}
    \frac{}{(x:=\mathbf{n}, \sigma) \longrightarrow \sigma { x \rightsquigarrow\lfloor\mathbf{n}\rfloor } }

    • 例子
      (x:=10+12, \sigma) \longrightarrow(x:=22, \sigma) \longrightarrow \sigma { x \rightsquigarrow 22 }
      \left(x:=x+1, \sigma^{\prime}\right) \longrightarrow\left(x:=22+1, \sigma^{\prime}\right) \longrightarrow\left(x:=23, \sigma^{\prime}\right) \longrightarrow \sigma^{\prime} { x \rightsquigarrow 23 }
  • sequential composition
    \frac{\left(c_{0}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(c_{0}^{\prime}, \sigma^{\prime}\right)}{\left(c_{0} ; c_{1}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(c_{0}^{\prime} ; c_{1}, \sigma^{\prime}\right)} \quad \frac{\left(c_{0}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow \sigma^{\prime}}{\left(c_{0} ; c_{1}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(c_{1}, \sigma^{\prime}\right)}

    • 例子
      &(x:=10+12 ; x:=x+1, \sigma) \
      &\longrightarrow(x:=22 ; x:=x+1, \sigma) \
      &\longrightarrow(x:=x+1, \sigma { x \rightsquigarrow 22 } ) \
      &\longrightarrow(x:=22+1, \sigma { x \rightsquigarrow 22 } ) \
      &\longrightarrow(x:=23, \sigma { x \rightsquigarrow 22 } ) \
      &\longrightarrow \sigma { x \rightsquigarrow 23 }
  • if
    \frac{(b, \sigma) \longrightarrow\left(b^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}{(\mathbf{if}\ b\ \mathbf{then}\ c_{0}\ \mathbf{else}\ \left.c_{1}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(\right. \mathbf{if}\ b^{\prime}\ \mathbf{then}\ c_{0}\ \mathbf{else}\ \left.c_{1}, \sigma\right)}
    \frac{}{\text { (if true then } \left.c_{0} \text { else } c_{1}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(c_{0}, \sigma\right)}
    \frac{}{\text { (if false then } \left.c_{0} \text { else } c_{1}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(c_{1}, \sigma\right)}

  • while
    \frac{}{\text { (while } b \text { do } c, \sigma) \longrightarrow \text { (if } b \text { then }(c ; \text { while } b \text { do } c) \text { else skip, } \sigma \text { ) }}

Zero-or-multiple steps:

  • 我们定义 $\longrightarrow^$ 为 the reflexive transitive colsure of $\longrightarrow $​:
    \frac{}{(c, \sigma) \longrightarrow^{
    }(c, \sigma)}
    \frac{(c, \sigma) \longrightarrow\left(c^{\prime}, \sigma^{\prime}\right) \quad\quad \left(c^{\prime}, \sigma^{\prime}\right) \longrightarrow^{}\left(c^{\prime \prime}, \sigma^{\prime \prime}\right)}{(c, \sigma) \longrightarrow^{}\left(c^{\prime \prime}, \sigma^{\prime \prime}\right)}

  • N-step transitions:
    \frac{}{(c, \sigma) \longrightarrow^{0}(c, \sigma)}
    \frac{(c, \sigma) \longrightarrow\left(c^{\prime}, \sigma^{\prime}\right) \quad\left(c^{\prime}, \sigma^{\prime}\right) \longrightarrow^{n}\left(c^{\prime \prime}, \sigma^{\prime \prime}\right)}{(c, \sigma) \longrightarrow^{n+1}\left(c^{\prime \prime}, \sigma^{\prime \prime}\right)}

    • 于是我们有 $(c, \sigma) \longrightarrow^{*}\left(c^{\prime}, \sigma^{\prime}\right) \text { iff } \exists n \cdot(c, \sigma) \longrightarrow^{n}\left(c^{\prime}, \sigma^{\prime}\right) $

    • $(c, \sigma) \longrightarrow^{*} \sigma^{\prime} $

      • 例子
        c \stackrel{\text { def }}{=}\ & y:=x ; a:=1 ;\
        &\text {while }(y>0) \text { do }\
        &(a:=a \times y;y:=y-1)
        假设 $\sigma= { x \rightsquigarrow 3, y \rightsquigarrow 2, a \rightsquigarrow 9 } $,有 $\sigma^{\prime}= { x \rightsquigarrow 3, y \rightsquigarrow 0, a \leadsto 6 } $

Some fact about $\longrightarrow$,一些性质:

  • Theorem (Determinism):
    For all $c, \sigma, c^{\prime}, \sigma^{\prime}, c^{\prime \prime}, \sigma^{\prime \prime}$,
    if $(c, \sigma) \longrightarrow\left(c^{\prime}, \sigma^{\prime}\right)$ and $(c, \sigma) \longrightarrow\left(c^{\prime \prime}, \sigma^{\prime \prime}\right)$,
    then $\left(c^{\prime}, \sigma^{\prime}\right)=\left(c^{\prime \prime}, \sigma^{\prime \prime}\right)$​

  • Corollary推论 (Confluence合流性)
    For all $c, \sigma, c^{\prime}, \sigma^{\prime}, c^{\prime \prime}, \sigma^{\prime \prime}$,
    if $(c, \sigma) \longrightarrow^{}\left(c^{\prime}, \sigma^{\prime}\right)$ and $(c, \sigma) \longrightarrow^{}\left(c^{\prime \prime}, \sigma^{\prime \prime}\right)$,
    then there exist $c^{\prime \prime \prime}$ and $\sigma^{\prime \prime \prime}$ such that $\left(c^{\prime}, \sigma^{\prime}\right) \longrightarrow^{}\left(c^{\prime \prime \prime}, \sigma^{\prime \prime \prime}\right)$ and $\left(c^{\prime \prime}, \sigma^{\prime \prime}\right) \longrightarrow^{}\left(c^{\prime \prime \prime}, \sigma^{\prime \prime \prime}\right)$​

  • Normalization:
    There are no infinite sequences of configurations $\left(e_{1}, \sigma_{1}\right),\left(e_{2}, \sigma_{2}\right) , \cdots $ such that, for all $i,\left(e_{i}, \sigma_{i}\right) \longrightarrow\left(e_{i+1}, \sigma_{i+1}\right) $
    That is, every evaluation path eventually reaches a normal form.

    • Normal forms:
      For expressions, the normal forms are (n, σ) for numeral n
      For booleans, the normal forms are (true, σ) and (false, σ)
    • 需要注意 (e, σ)(b, σ) 是 normalizing 的,但 (c, σ) 不是。
      For any state σ , there is no σ' such that $\text {(while true do skip, } \sigma) \longrightarrow^{*} \sigma^{\prime} $​

Next: we will see some variations of the current small-step semantics

Note when we modify the semantics, we define a different language.

Variation I
  • 思想:直接定义一个求表达式值的符号,如 $[[e]]_{i n t e x p} \sigma=n $​

\frac{[[ e ]]{\operatorname{intexp}} \sigma=n}{(x:=e, \sigma) \longrightarrow \sigma { x \rightsquigarrow n } }
[[e]] _{\text {intexp }} \sigma=n \text { iff }(e, \sigma) \longrightarrow^{*}(\mathbf{n}, \sigma) \text { and } n=\lfloor\mathbf{n}\rfloor
{\text {boolexp }} \sigma=\text {true}}{\text { (if } \left.b \text { then } c_{0} \text { else } c_{1}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(c_{0}, \sigma\right)}
\frac{[[b]]{\text {boolexp }} \sigma=\text {false}}{\left(\text { if } b \text { then } c{0} \text { else } c_{1}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(c_{1}, \sigma\right)}
\frac{[[b]] _{\text {boolexp }} \sigma=\text {true}}{\text { (while } b \text { do } c, \sigma) \longrightarrow(c ; \text { while } b \text { do } c, \sigma)} \\quad\
\frac{[[b]] _{\text {boolexp }} \sigma=\text {false}}{(\text {while } b \text { do } c, \sigma) \longrightarrow \sigma}

  • 例子 $(x:=10+12, \sigma) \longrightarrow \left(x:=22, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow \sigma { x \rightsquigarrow 22 } $​​​​
Variation II
  • 思想:
    • 需要注意一下,之前的版本里同时存在 two forms of transitions for statements:$(c, \sigma)\rightarrow(c’,\sigma’) \quad (c,\sigma)\rightarrow\sigma’ $​,这会导致我们需要对两种形式都要定义和证明 → 的性质(though this isn’t a big deal)
    • 所以将 skip 重载作为 a flag for termination

\frac{\left(c_{0}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(c_{0}^{\prime}, \sigma^{\prime}\right)}{\left(c_{0} ; c_{1}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(c_{0}^{\prime} ; c_{1}, \sigma^{\prime}\right)}
\frac{}{\left(\mathbf{s k i p} ; c_{1}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(c_{1}, \sigma\right)}
\frac{[[ e ]]{\operatorname{intexp}} \sigma=n}{(x:=e, \sigma) \longrightarrow (\mathbf{skip},\sigma { x \rightsquigarrow n } )}
{\text {boolexp }} \sigma=\text {true}}{\text { (if } \left.b \text { then } c_{0} \text { else } c_{1}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(c_{0}, \sigma\right)}
\frac{[[b]]{\text {boolexp }} \sigma=\text {false}}{\left(\text { if } b \text { then } c{0} \text { else } c_{1}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(c_{1}, \sigma\right)}
\frac{[[b]] _{\text {boolexp }} \sigma=\text {true}}{\text { (while } b \text { do } c, \sigma) \longrightarrow(c; \text{while } b \text { do } c, \sigma)} \\quad\
\frac{[[b]] _{\text {boolexp}} \sigma=\text {false}}{(\text {while } b \text { do } c, \sigma) \longrightarrow (\mathbf{skip},\sigma)}

接下来我们针对 Variation II 来扩展以下特性:

  • Going wrong
  • Local variable declaration
  • Dynamically-allocated data
Going wrong


  • Divided by zero


  • Access. Non-existing data

\text{Expressions: }\quad
\frac{\mathbf{n_{2}} \neq 0 \quad\left\lfloor\mathbf{n_{1}}\right\rfloor \left\lfloor/\right\rfloor \left\lfloor\mathbf{n_{2}}\right\rfloor=\lfloor \mathbf{n}\rfloor}{\left(\mathbf{n_1/n_2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow(\mathbf{n}, \sigma)} \quad \frac{}{\left(\mathbf{n_1/0}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow \mathbf{abort}}
\text{Assigment:}\quad\frac{[[ e ]]{\operatorname{intexp}} \sigma=n}{(x:=e, \sigma) \longrightarrow (\mathbf{skip},\sigma { x \rightsquigarrow n } )}
\frac{[[ e ]]
{\operatorname{intexp}}\sigma = \bot}{(x:=e, \sigma) \longrightarrow \mathbf{abort}}
&[[e]] _{\operatorname{intexp}} \sigma=n &\text { iff }& \quad(e, \sigma) \longrightarrow^{}(\mathbf{n}, \sigma) \text { and } n=\lfloor\mathbf{n}\rfloor \
&[[e]] _{\text {intexp }} \sigma =\perp &\text { iff }& \quad(e, \sigma) \longrightarrow^{
} \mathbf { abort }

\text{Add new rules:}\quad
\frac{\left(c_{0}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow \text { abort }}{\left(c_{0} ; c_{1}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow \text { abort }}
\frac{[[b]]{\text {boolexp }} \sigma=\bot}{\left(\text { if } b \text { then } c{0} \text { else } c_{1}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow \text{abort}}
\frac{[[b]] _{\text {boolexp}} \sigma=\bot}{(\text {while } b \text { do } c, \sigma) \longrightarrow\text{abort}}

区分 “going wrong” 和 “getting stuck”:

  • gets stuck 指的是在 state σ,不存在 c', σ' 使 (c, σ) → (c', σ')
  • 在 Variation II 中,skip 在任何时候都会 gets stuck,因为 (skip, σ) 无法向前
  • 共同点:language-dependent 二者都和具体的语言相关
Local variable declaration

Statements: c ::= ... | newvar x := e in c


  • 一个有并发问题的语义是:$\large\frac{\sigma\ x=\lfloor\mathbf{n}\rfloor}{(\mathbf{newvar}\ x:=e\ \mathbf{in}\ c, \sigma) \longrightarrow(x:=e\ ;\ c\ ;\ x:=\mathbf{n},\ \sigma)}$

  • 正确的语义是 (due to Eugene Fink):

\frac{n=[[e]]{\text {intexp }} \sigma \quad (c, \sigma { x \rightsquigarrow n } ) \longrightarrow\left(c^{\prime}, \sigma^{\prime}\right) \quad \sigma^{\prime} x=\left\lfloor\mathbf{n}^{\prime}\right\rfloor}{(\mathbf {newvar}\ x:=e \text { in } c, \sigma) \longrightarrow\left(\mathbf{newvar}\ x:=\mathbf{n}^{\prime} \text { in } c^{\prime}, \sigma^{\prime} { x \rightsquigarrow \sigma x } \right)}
\frac{}{(\mathbf{newvar}\ x:=e \text { in skip, } \sigma) \longrightarrow(\text{skip}, \sigma)}
\frac{[[e]] _{\operatorname{intexp}} \sigma=\perp}{(\mathbf { newvar }\ x:=e \text { in } c, \sigma) \longrightarrow \mathbf{abort}}
{\text {intexp }} \sigma \quad (c, \sigma { x \rightsquigarrow n } ) \longrightarrow \mathbf{abort}}{(\mathbf { newvar }\ x:=e \text { in } c, \sigma) \longrightarrow \mathbf{abort}}

Heap for dynamically-allocated data:

  • Notations:
    \text { (States) } & \sigma::=(s, h) \
    \text { (Stores) } & s \in \text{Var}\rightarrow \text {Values} \
    \text { (Heaps) } & h \in \text{Loc}\rightharpoonup_{\text{fin}} \text {Values } \
    \text { (Values) } & v \in \operatorname{lnt} \cup \text { Bool } \cup \text { Loc }

  • 注意 $\rightharpoonup_{\text{fin}} $ 表示 Partial Mapping。
    Loc 里有 “没有 allocation” 和 “已经 allocation” 的引用,所以是 partial mapping

A simple language with heap manipulation:

  • Statements:
    x & ::= \quad … &
    &\quad \mid x := \operatorname{alloc}(e) & \text { allocation }
    &\quad \mid y:=[x] & \text { lookup } \
    &\quad \mid {[x]:=e} & \text { mutation } \
    &\quad \mid \text {free}(x) & \text { deallocation }

  • Configurations: (c, (s, h))

  • Semantics:
    \frac{l \notin \operatorname{dom}(h)\quad [[e]]{intexp} s=n}{(x:=\operatorname{alloc}(e),(s, h)) \longrightarrow(\operatorname{skip},(s { x \rightsquigarrow l } , h \uplus { I \rightsquigarrow n } ))}
    \frac{s\ x=l \quad l \in \operatorname{dom}(h)}{(\operatorname{free}(x),(s, h)) \longrightarrow(\operatorname{skip},(s, h \backslash { l } ))}
    \quad or\quad \frac{s\ x=l\quad h(l)=n }{(\operatorname{free}(x),(s, h)) \longrightarrow(\operatorname{skip},(s, h- { (l,n) } )) }
    \frac{s(x)\notin dom(h)}{(free(x),\ (s,h))\longrightarrow \mathbf{abort}}
    \frac{s\ x=l \quad h\ l=n}{(y:=[x],(s, h)) \longrightarrow(\mathbf{skip},\ (s { y \rightsquigarrow n } , h))}
    \frac{s\ x=l \quad l \in \operatorname{dom}(h) \quad [[e]]
    {i n t e x p} s=n}{([x]:=e,(s, h)) \longrightarrow(\mathbf{s k i p},(s, h { l \rightsquigarrow n } ))}

Summary of small-step structural operational semantics (SOS):

对于 transition rules 的规则:$\large \frac{P_1 \quad \cdots\quad P_n }{(c,\ \sigma)\longrightarrow (c’,\ \sigma’)} $​,其中 $P_i$​ 是 Condition(或叫 Premise),它们可能是:

  • Other transitions corresponding to the sub-terms
  • Side conditions: predicates that must be true
small-step contextual semantics
  • small-step contextual semantics, a.k.a. reduction semantics

  • An alternative presentation of small-step operational semantics using redex and evaluation contexts.


  • 对于之前的 small-step SOS:
    \frac{\left(e_{1}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(e_{1}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}{\left(e_{1}+e_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(e_{1}^{\prime}+e_{2}, \sigma\right)}
    \frac{\left(e_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(e_{2}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}{\left(\mathbf{n}+e_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(\mathbf{n}+e_{2}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}
    \frac{\left(e_{1}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(e_{1}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}{\left(e_{1}-e_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(e_{1}^{\prime}-e_{2}, \sigma\right)}
    \frac{\left(e_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(e_{2}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}{\left(\mathbf{n}-e_{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow\left(\mathbf{n}-e_{2}^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}
    \frac{\left\lfloor\mathbf{n}{1}\right\rfloor\left\lfloor+\left\rfloor\left\lfloor\mathbf{n}{2}\right\rfloor=\lfloor\mathbf{n}\rfloor\right.\right.}{\left(\mathbf{n}{1}+\mathbf{n}{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow(\mathbf{n}, \sigma)}
    \quad \frac{\left\lfloor\mathbf{n}{1}\right\rfloor\lfloor-\rfloor\left\lfloor\mathbf{n}{2}\right\rfloor=\lfloor\mathbf{n}\rfloor}{\left(\mathbf{n}{1}-\mathbf{n}{2}, \sigma\right) \longrightarrow(\mathbf{n}, \sigma)}
    \frac{\sigma(x)=\lfloor\mathbf{n}\rfloor}{(x, \sigma) \longrightarrow(\mathbf{n}, \sigma)}

  • 我们观察顶部的 4 条规则,发现能结合成一条:
    \frac{(r, \sigma) \longrightarrow\left(e^{\prime}, \sigma\right)}{(\mathcal{E}[r], \sigma) \longrightarrow\left(\mathcal{E}\left[e^{\prime}\right], \sigma\right)}
    \text{Redex: }& \quad r ::= x \ \mid\ \mathbf{n+n} \ \mid\ \mathbf{n-n}
    \text{Evaluation Context (reduction context): }& \quad \mathcal{E}\ ::=\ [\ ] + e \mid [\ ]-e \mid \mathbf{n}+[\ ] \mid \mathbf{n}-[\ ]


  • redex: a syntactic expression or command that can be reduced (transformed) in one atomic step
    r & ::=\ x &
    &\quad \mid n + n
    &\quad \mid x := n
    &\quad \mid skip\ ;\ c
    &\quad \mid if\ true\ then\ c\ else\ c
    &\quad \mid if\ false\ then\ c\ else\ c
    &\quad \mid while\ b\ do\ c
    &\quad \mid\ …

    • (1+3)+2 不是 redex,1+3 是 redex
  • Local reduction rules: one rule for each redex $(r, \sigma)\longrightarrow (t, \sigma’) $

  • 对于 local reduction rules 这里缺个例子

Evaluation contexts:

  • a term with a “hole” in the place of a sub-term

    • Location of the hole indicates the next place for evaluation
    • If ℰ is a context, then ℰ[r] is the expression obtained by replacing redex r for the hole in context ℰ
    • Now, if (r, σ) → (t, σ’), then (ℰ[r], σ) → (ℰ[t], σ‘)

    & \mathcal{E} ::=\ [\ ] &
    &\quad \mid \mathcal{E} + e
    &\quad \mid \mathbf{n} + \mathcal{E}
    &\quad \mid x := \mathcal{E}
    &\quad \mid \mathcal{E}\ ;\ c
    &\quad \mid if\ \mathcal{E}\ then\ c\ else\ c
    &\quad \mid\ …

    • 例子:
      x := 1+ []
      while false do x:= 1+[ ]
      if b then c else [ ]

Global reduction rule:

  • General idea of the contextual semantics

    • Decompose the current term into
      1、the next redex r
      2、and an evaluation context ℰ (the remaining program).

    • Reduce the redex r to some other term t

    • Put t back into the original context, yielding ℰ[t].
      \text{Formalized as a small-step rule: } \frac{(r, \sigma)\longrightarrow (t,\sigma’)}{(\mathcal{E}[r], \sigma) \longrightarrow (\mathcal{E}[t], \sigma’) }

  • Contextual semantics rules = Global reduction rule + Local reduction rules for individual r

  • 例子:

  • 例子:

Contextual semantics for boolean expressions:

  • Normal evaluation of ∧:define the following contexts, redexes, and local rules
    \mathcal{E} &::= \cdots\ |\ \mathcal{E} \and b\ |\ \mathbf{true} \and \mathcal{E}\ |\ \mathbf{false}\ \and\ \mathcal{E}
    r & ::=\ldots \mid \text { true } \wedge \text { true } \mid \text { true } \wedge \text { false } \mid \text { false } \wedge \text { true } \mid \text { false } \wedge \text { false } \
    &(\text { true } \wedge \text { true, } \sigma) \longrightarrow(\text { true }, \sigma) \quad \ldots

  • Short-circuit evaluation of ∧:
    &\mathcal{E}::=\ldots \mid \mathcal{E} \wedge b \
    &r::=\ldots \mid \text { true } \wedge b \mid \text { false } \wedge b \
    &(\text { true } \wedge b, \sigma) \longrightarrow(b, \sigma) \quad(\text { false } \wedge b, \sigma) \longrightarrow(\text { false }, \sigma)

Summary of contextual semantics:

  • Think of a hole as representing a program counter (PC, it means the local command will be executed)
  • The rules for advancing holes are non-trivial
    • Must decompose entire command at every step
    • So, inefficient to implement contextual semantics directly
  • Major advantage of contextual semantics is that it allows a mix of global and local reduction rules
    • Global rules indicate next redex to be evaluated (defined by the grammar of the context)
    • Local rules indicate how to perform the reduction one for each redex
  • We have discussed small-step semantics, which describes each single step of the execution
    • Structural operational semantics
    • Contextual semantics


Big-step semantics (a.k.a. natural semantics):

  • which describes the overall result of the execution

\overline{(n, \sigma) \Downarrow\lfloor\mathbf{n}\rfloor}
\frac{\sigma x=n}{(x, \sigma) \Downarrow n}
\frac{\left(e_{1}, \sigma\right) \Downarrow n_{1} \quad\left(e_{2}, \sigma\right) \Downarrow n_{2}}{\left(e_{1}+e_{2}, \sigma\right) \Downarrow n_{1}\lfloor+\rfloor n_{2}} \quad\quad \frac{\left(e_{1}, \sigma\right) \Downarrow n_{1} \quad\left(e_{2}, \sigma\right) \Downarrow n_{2}}{\left(e_{1} \ \mathbf{op}\ e_{2}, \sigma\right) \Downarrow n_{1}\lfloor \mathbf{op}\rfloor n_{2}}

  • 例子

    • big-step:
    * small-step:$(3+(2+1), \sigma) \longrightarrow(3+3, \sigma) \longrightarrow(6, \sigma) $ * 结论:Big-step semantics more closely models a recursive interpreter.
  • for boolean expression:
    \overline{(\text{true, } \sigma) \Downarrow \text { true }} \quad \overline{(\text{false, } \sigma) \Downarrow \text { false }}
    \text{Normal evaluation of }\and : \frac{\left(b_{1}, \sigma\right) \Downarrow \text { false } \quad\left(b_{2}, \sigma\right) \Downarrow \text { true }}{\left(b_{1} \wedge b_{2}, \sigma\right) \Downarrow \text { false }}
    \text{Short-circuit evaluation of }\and : \frac{\left(b_{1}, \sigma\right) \Downarrow \text { false }}{\left(b_{1} \wedge b_{2}, \sigma\right) \Downarrow \text { false }}

  • for statements:
    \frac{(e, \sigma) \Downarrow n}{(x:=e, \sigma) \Downarrow \sigma { x \rightsquigarrow n } }
    \frac{}{(\text {skip, } \sigma) \Downarrow \sigma}
    \frac{\left(c_{0}, \sigma\right) \Downarrow \sigma^{\prime} \quad\left(c_{1}, \sigma^{\prime}\right) \Downarrow \sigma^{\prime \prime}}{\left(c_{0} ; c_{1}, \sigma\right) \Downarrow \sigma^{\prime \prime}} \quad \frac{(b, \sigma) \Downarrow \text { true }\left(c_{0}, \sigma\right) \Downarrow \sigma^{\prime}}{\left(\text{if } b \text { then } c_{0} \text { else } c_{1}, \sigma\right) \Downarrow \sigma^{\prime}}
    \frac{(b, \sigma) \Downarrow \text {false} \quad\left(c_{1}, \sigma\right) \Downarrow \sigma^{\prime}}{\left(\text {if } b \text { then } c_{0} \text { else } c_{1}, \sigma\right) \Downarrow \sigma^{\prime}} \quad \frac{(b, \sigma) \Downarrow \text { false}}{\text {(while } b \text { do } c, \sigma) \Downarrow \sigma}
    \frac{(b, \sigma) \Downarrow \text{true}\quad (c, \sigma) \Downarrow \sigma^{\prime} \quad (\text {while } b \text { do } c, \sigma) \Downarrow \sigma^{\prime \prime}} {\left(\text {while } b \text { do } c, \sigma^{\prime}\right) \Downarrow \sigma^{\prime \prime}}

  • for variable declaration:
    \frac{(e, \sigma) \Downarrow n \quad\quad (c, \sigma { x \rightsquigarrow n } ) \Downarrow \sigma^{\prime}}{(\text{newvar } x:=e \text { in } c, \sigma) \Downarrow \sigma^{\prime} { x \rightsquigarrow \sigma x } }

  • for abort:
    \frac{(e, \sigma) \Downarrow \mathbf{abort}}{(x:=e, \sigma) \Downarrow \mathbf { abort }} \quad \frac{\left(c_{0}, \sigma\right) \Downarrow \mathbf { abort }}{\left(c_{0} ; c_{1}, \sigma\right) \Downarrow \mathbf{abort}}

    • 和 small-step 等价:
      $(c, \sigma)\Downarrow \mathbf{abort}\quad \text{iff}\quad (c,\sigma)\longrightarrow^* \mathbf{abort} \ (c,\sigma)\Downarrow\sigma’\quad\text{iff}\quad (c,\sigma)\longrightarrow^*(\mathbf{skip}, \sigma’)$

Some facts about $\Downarrow $:

  • Theorem (Determinism):
    $\large \forall e, \sigma, n, n’.\quad (e, \sigma)\Downarrow n \and (e, \sigma)\Downarrow n’ \quad \Longrightarrow\quad n = n’ $​​
  • Theorem (Totality):
    $\large \forall e,\sigma.\ \exists n.(e,\sigma)\Downarrow n$​​
  • Theorem (Equivalence to small-step semantics):
    $\large (e,\sigma) \Downarrow \lfloor \mathbf{n} \rfloor \quad \text{iff} \quad(e,\sigma)\Longrightarrow^* (\mathbf{n}, \sigma) $​

Small-step vs. Big-step:

  • Small-step can clearly model more complex features, like concurrency, divergence, and runtime errors.
  • Although one-step-at-a-time evaluation is useful for proving certain properties, in some cases it is unnecessary work to talk about each small step.
  • Big-step semantics more closely models a recursive interpreter.
  • Big-steps may make it quicker to prove things, because there are fewer rules. The “boring” rules of the small-step semantics that specify order of evaluation are folded in big-step rules.
  • Big-step: all programs without final configurations (infinite loops, getting stuck) look the same. So you sometimes can’t prove things related to these kinds of configurations.

Summary of operational semantics:

  • Precise specification of dynamic semantics
  • Simple and abstract (compared to implementations)
    • No low-level details such as memory management, data layout, etc
  • Often not compositional (e.g. while)
  • Basis for some proofs about languages
  • Basis for some reasoning about particular programs
  • Point of reference for other semantics

Hoare Logic

Floyd-Hoare Logic is a method of reasoning mathematically about imperative programs. Hoare Logic 是一种对命令式程序进行性质证明的方法。

这节课讲的是命令式程序的公理语义 axiomatic semantics。

hoare logic 的研究至今都很活跃,比如:

  • separation logic (reasoning about pointers)
  • concurrent program logics


Program Specifications

如何刻画程序性质?一个简单的想法 —— 描述程序执行前和执行后的两个状态:

Hoare’s notation (Hoare triples):

  • 假设有一个程序 c,开始状态 p,结束状态 q

    • partial correctness specification:{p}c{q},partial 的意思是,有一些状态 p 在程序 c 下不会映射到终止状态,但是一旦可以终止,那么终止状态满足 q
    • total correctness specification: [p]c[q],total 的意思是状态 p 执行程序 c,一定会终止,并且终止状态满足 q,比起 partial correctness 多了 “终止” 的信息
      • Informally: Total correctness = Termination + Partial correctness
      • 如果要证明 total correctness,就可以分开证 partial 和 termination
    • 其他:
      • p 和 q 是 assertions 断言,p 叫 precondition 先验条件,q 叫 postcondition 后验条件
      • 历史上用 p{c}q 作 notation 也可,只不过现在用得少了。
  • Logical variables:

    • 先看看这个 $\left { x=x_{0} \wedge y=y_{0}\right } r:=x ; x:=y ; y:=r\left { x=y_{0} \wedge y=x_{0}\right } $
    • 其中 $x_0$ 和 $y_0$ 就叫做 logical variables,也叫 ghost variables
      • 他们只用在 assertion,不会出现在程序 c
      • 可能是常量值
  • 一些例子 program specs(注意下面由花括号有中括号),partial correctness 要求程序若能终止则它最终状态满足 q,但是如果程序不终止的话,那自然满足了:

  • Specification 可能会很 tricky:

    • 一个例子:将 y 设置为 x 和 y 的最大值
      回答是[true]c[y = max(x, y)] 吗?当然不是,有几种程序都满足这个:

      • if x>= y then y:=x else skip
      • if x>=y then x:=y esle skip
      • y := x

      正确的答案是 [x = x0 ∧ y = y0] c [y = max(x0,y0)]

    • 总结

      • specification 很容易写错
      • 证明系统对写错的 specification 计算证明出来了也没有什么用,因为 p, q 就写错了
      • 此时 testing 反而是有用的


  • predicate logic (a.k.a. first-order logic) forms the basis for program specification

  • derivation of assertions:

    • ⊢ p: there exists a proof or derivation of p following the inference rules.
  • semantics of assertions

    • σ ⊨ p: p holds in σ
  • 补充:⊢ J 是证明(意味着 J 可被证明), 是关心它的性质

  • Validity of assertions

    • p holds in σ (i.e. σ ⊨ p)
    • p is valid: for all σ, p holds in σ
    • p is unsatisfiable: ┌p is valid

Inference Rules of Hoare Logic

构造 partial correctness specifications 的形式化,需要有公理 axioms 和推导规则。这就是 Floyd-hoare logic 所提供的:

  • Hoare 的演绎系统形式化
  • Floyd 的一些基本思想

Judgments 有三种:

  • predicate logic formulas
  • partial correctness specification
  • total correctness specification

Rules for Hoare Logic

The assignment rule of Hoare logic:
\frac{}{ { p [ e/x ] } x:=e { p } } \text{(AS)}

  • 通过上面这个 rule,你会发现,The most central aspect of imperative languages is reduced to simple syntactic formula substitution

  • 可能有人觉得上面这个赋值语句规则是 “backwards” 的,那 forward 版的应该是怎样呢:
    \frac{}{ { p } \ x:=e\ { \exists v.x = e [ v/x ] \wedge p [ v/x ] } } \text{(AS-FW)}

    • 这里的 v 是一个 fresh variable,用于指代 x 的旧值,但 v 不等价于 x,也不出现在 p 或 e 中


    • 虽然感觉 forward 很符合直觉,但是实际上比 backwards 更难用(因为引入了 exists,若不能很快消除,则会一路带着)

引入 SP 和 WC:

  • Strengthening precedent (SP) 增强前条件:
    \frac{ p \Rightarrow q \quad { q } c { r } }{ { p } c { r } } \text{(SP)}

  • Weakening consequent (WC) 减弱后条件:
    \frac{ { p } c { q } \quad q \Rightarrow r}{ { p } c { r } } \text{(WC)}

  • The consequence rules(用上面两条规则可 derive 出这条规则,用这条规则也可以导出上面两个):
    \frac{p\Rightarrow p’\quad { p’ } c { q’ } \quad q’\Rightarrow q}{ { p } c { q } }

    • 这条规则不是语法制导的,没法通过 c 来确定什么时候用这条规则,需要根据使用者判断
  • 例子:

其他语句的 rules:

  • The sequential composition rule
    \frac{ { p } c_{1} { r } \quad { r } c_{2} { q } }{ { p } c_{1} ; c_{2} { q } }\text{(sc)}

    • 例子:
    • 例子:
  • The skip rule:
    \frac{}{ { p } \mathbf{s k i p} { p } } \text { (SK) }

  • The conditional rule:
    { { p \wedge b } \ c_1\ { q } \ \ \ \ \ \ { p \wedge \neg b } \ c_2\ { q } \over { p } \ \textbf{if } b \textbf{ then } c_1 \textbf{ else } c_2\ { q } }\ (\texttt{CD})

    • 例子:
  • conjunction/disjunction rules:
    { { p } \ c\ { q } \ \ \ \ \ \ { p’ } \ c\ { q’ } \over { p \wedge p’ } \ c\ { q \wedge q’ } }\ (\texttt{CA})
    { { p } \ c\ { q } \ \ \ \ \ \ { p’ } \ c\ { q’ } \over { p \vee p’ } \ c\ { q \vee q’ } }\ (\texttt{DA})

    • 这两条规则可以没有,但有的话会更方便,比如证明 {p}c{q1∧q2} 可以拆成 {p}c{q1}{p}c{q2} 利用上面来证
    • 到目前未知给出的 rules 都会满足 total correctness(因为还没引入循环,程序还是能终止的)


  • partial correctness of while:
    { { i \wedge b } \ c\ { i } \over { i } \ \textbf{while } b \textbf{ do } c\ { i \wedge \neg b } }\ (\texttt{WHP})

    • i 是 loop invariant 循环不变式,如果执行一次 c 能保持 i 前后成立,那执行任意次也可以,最终在 while 结束时,一定是循环条件不成立了

    • 例子:

      • 例子(计算 x/y):

        {true}  r:=x; z:=0; while y<=r do r:=r-y;z:=z+1; {y<y∧x=r+y*z}
  • 如何找 loop invariant

    • 观察性质
      • 初始化时 invariant i 是满足的
      • i ∧ ┌b 在结果一定成立
      • b 满足时,方法 c 会 preserve 这个 i
    • 思考循环中的 loop invariant
      • what has been done so far together with what remains to bedone
      • holds at each iteration of the loop
      • and gives the desired result when the loop terminates
    • 例子:
      • 这个例子在求 factorial,对于它,一个顺其自然的 invariant 是 $f= x!$
      • 但需要注意,结尾我们需要 $f=n!$,而循环规则只会给我们 $\neg(x<n)$
      • 所以有时候需要对 invariant 进行 strengthen 一下,使得他们能 work
      • 所以最终的 invariant 应该是 $f=x ! \wedge x \leq n $,后面部分的 $x\le n$ 和 $\neg(x\lt n)$ 结合后能导出 $x=n$
    • 例子:
      • 这个例子和上面的类似,我们思考一下循环做的事情:
        • 过程中 f 保存着结果
        • 剩下的 x! 是仍需要被计算的
        • n! 是我们期待的结果
      • 所以一个循环不变式是 f * x! = n!,x 变小,f 变大,好像很合理
      • 注意一下结尾我们还需要 x=0,而 (WHP) 只会给 $\neg (x>0)$
      • 所以加强一下不变式,得到 $(f * x !=n !) \wedge x \geq 0 $
  • 证明 partial correctness

    • 例子:
  • total correctness of while:
    {[i \wedge b \wedge (e = x_0)]\ c\ [i \wedge (e < x_0)] \ \ \ \ \ \ i \wedge b \Rightarrow e \geqslant 0 \over [i]\ \textbf{while } b \textbf{ do } c\ [i \wedge \neg b]}\ (\texttt{WHT})
    \text{Here,}\quad x_0 \notin \text{fv}( c ) \cup \text{fv}(e) \cup \text{fv}(i) \cup \text{fv}(b)

    • $x_0 $​​ 是 logical variable,e 是 variant

    • 在我们设定的 language 里,while 是唯一可以导致 non-termination 的语句,所以证明 total correctness 就要证明 while 语句的终止

    • 此外,我们要找到 some non-negative metric (e.g. a loop counter) decreases on each iteration of c

    • variant: this decreasing metric

      • 例子:

        找到 invariant:$i \stackrel{\text { def }}{=}(f=x ! \wedge x \leq n) $,找到 variant:$e \stackrel{\text { def }}{=}(n-x) $​

    • basic idea:

      • the first premise: the metric is decreased by execution of c
      • the second premise: when the metric becomes negative, b is false, and the loop terminates (invariant i is always satisfied)
    • 补充 Termination specifications
      \frac{ { p } c { q } \quad[p] c[\text{true}]}{[p]c[q]}
      \frac{[p] c[q]}{ { p } c { q } } \quad \frac{[p] c[q]}{[p] c[\text{true}]}
      \frac{ { p } c { q } \quad \text{no while in c}}{[p]c[q]}

    • 例子:

      Loop invariant 是 $i \overset{def}{=} x\le 10$
      Loop variant 是 $e\overset{def}{=} 10-x=x_0$
      b 是 $x\not= 10 $

      x\le10 \and x\not=10 \and 10-x=x_0 \Rightarrow x+1\le10\and 10-(x+1)\lt x_0
       \{ x+1\le10\and 10-(x+1)\lt x_0]\ x:=x+1\ [x\le10\and 10-x\lt x_0 \} 

      }{[x\le10 \and x\not=10 \and 10-x=x_0]\ x:=x+1\ [x\le10\and 10-x\lt x_0]}
      x\le10 \and x\not=10 \Rightarrow 10-x \ge 0
      }{[x \leq 10] \text { while } x \neq 10 \text{ do}\ x:=x+1\ [x\le10\and \neg(x\not=10)] \quad\quad x\le10\and \neg (x\not=10)\Rightarrow x=10}
      }{[x \leq 10] \text { while } x \neq 10 \text { do } x:=x+1[x=10]}

    • 例子:
      c \stackrel{\text { def }}{=} f:=1 ; \text { while } x>0 \text { do }(f:=f * x ; x:=x-1)
      [x=n]\ c\ [x<0 \vee f=n !]
      证明两个 goal:$(G 1)[x<0] c[x<0] \(G 2)[x=n \wedge x \geq 0] c[f=n !] $

make it easier to apply

Derived rules(导出一些简化证明的 rules):

  • Assignment:
    {p \Rightarrow q[e/x] \over { p } \ x:=e\ { q } }

  • Sequenced assignment:
    { { p } \ c\ { q[e/x] } \over { p } \ c;x:=e\ { q } }

  • while rule for partial correctness:
    {p \Rightarrow i \ \ \ \ \ \ { i \wedge b } \ c\ { i } \ \ \ \ \ \ i \wedge \neg b \Rightarrow q \over { p } \ \textbf{while } b \textbf{ do } c\ { q } }

  • while rule for total correctness:
    & p \Rightarrow i \
    & i \wedge b \Rightarrow e \geqslant 0 \
    & i \wedge \neg b \Rightarrow q \
    &[i \wedge b \wedge (e=x_0)]\ c\ [i \wedge (e < x_0)]\end{aligned}
    \over [p]\ \textbf{while } b \textbf{ do } c\ [q]

  • multiple sequential composition:
    \frac{\begin{aligned} & p_0 \Rightarrow q_0 \
    & { q_0 } \ c_0 { p_1 } & p_1 \Rightarrow q_1 \
    & \dots & \dots \
    & { q_{n-1} } \ c_{n-1} { p_n } & p_n \Rightarrow q_n \end{aligned}}{ { p_0 } \ c_0;\dots;c_{n-1}\ { q_n } } \quad\quad (\texttt{MSQ}_n)

Annotating programs:

  • 还记得吗 sequential composition rule:$\frac{ { p } c_{1} { r } \quad { r } c_{2} { q } }{ { p } c_{1} ; c_{2} { q } }\text{(sc)} $​ 里引入了一个新的 assertion r
  • 所以为了用这条 rule,就必须要找到一个合适的 assertion(类似要用 WHP 就要找 invariant),比如,若 $c_2$ 是 $x:=e$,那么 r 就是 $q[e/x] $
  • 在开始证明之前,在程序中找出 assertion 并标记上是对证明有帮助的,比如

上面两种 —— derived rules 和 annotating programs 可以简化手工证明,但其实都是为了下面的 mechanize

program verification 服务

Automated program verification

这一节会介绍一下 the architecture of a simple program verifier,当然这也是 with respect to the rules of Hoare Logic 的


  • 证明是冗长又无聊的(即使程序可能很简单)
  • 有很多琐碎的小细节需处理,其中很多是微不足道的 lots of fiddly little details to get right, many of which are trivial,比如 (r = x ^ z = 0) => (x = r + y   z)

Architecture of a verifier:

  • 输入:hoare tuple 或者 annotated specification,用户可以再插入一些中间 assertions

  • 用 verifier 证明 {p}c{q} 有 3 步:

    • 在程序 c 中 annotate 一些 assertion

      (这很 tricky,需要智慧和对程序的理解,也许以后可以用 AI 解决)

    • 从 annotated specification 生成一些 logic formulas (a.k.a. verification conditions, VCs)

    • VCs 进而被传到 theorem prover,进行证明,证不了会报给程序员

这部分(Automated program varification)没学完

TODO: PPT 109页~145页。。。。

Soundness and Completeness

The set of inference rules gives us a logic system. This kind of logic is called program logic, which is designed specifically for program verification.

We use ⊢{p}c{q} to represent that there is a derivation of {p}c{q} following the rules. 称 ⊢{p}c{q} 为 judgement,它是由 Hoare Logic 定义和推导出来的,此时这里不涉及这个式子的含义,是纯 syntactic 的东西。

We use ⊨ {p}c{q} to represent the meaning of {p}c{q}. 用语义来定义这个式子的含义,比如 Hoare logic 里就是 “程序开始满足p执行c能终止则满足q” 这个含义,这是现实生活中的含义,需要用语义来定义。

程序逻辑的 Soundness、Completeness 就是建立 ⊢{p}c{q}⊨ {p}c{q} 之间的关系。

简单来说,若 能推出 ,即是 soundness 有保证,那么凡是逻辑上能推导的东西,那它语义上一定对;若 能推出 ,即是说 completeness 有保证,那么凡是含义上是对的东西,那 syntax 上都能被 Hoare logic 推导。

Soundness of the program logic:

  • If ⊢{p}c{q}, we have ⊨ {p}c{q}
  • If ⊢[p]c[q], we have ⊨ [p]c[q]

Completeness of the program logic:

  • If ⊨ {p}c{q}, we have ⊢ {p}c{q}
  • If ⊨ [p]c[q], we have ⊢ [p]c[q]

如果底层逻辑 underlying logic 是可靠和完备的,那么 Hoare logic 也是。(比如,若要证 {p}c{q},而恰好底层逻辑能给 {p'}c'{q'}p=>p'q'=>q)但底层逻辑,即 predicate logic 是 sound 但 incomplete 的。


证明 Hoare logic 的可靠性和完备性


  • Review of predicate logic:

    • syntax
    • semantics
    • soundness and completeness
      • Soundness: if ⊢p then ⊨p。这个可以顺着 ⊢p 的推导,用离散数学学过的逻辑来推 ⊨p
      • Completeness: if ⊨p then ⊢p。不可证。
        • Godel’s incompleteness theorem: there exists no proof system for arithmetic in which all valid assertions are systematically derivable.
  • Formal semantics of Hoare triples:

    • Preconditions and postconditions

    • Semantics of commands

    • Soundness of Hoare axioms and rules

    • Completeness and relative completeness

Semantics of Hoare triples:

  • {p}c{q} is is valid, iff

    • if c is executed in a state σ such that σ ⊨ p
    • and if the execution of c starting in σ  terminates in a state σ'
    • then σ' ⊨ q
  • 下面来形式化它
    \models { p } c { q } \text { iff } \forall \sigma, \sigma^{\prime} .(\sigma \models p) \wedge\left((c, \sigma) \longrightarrow^{*}\left(\text {skip, } \sigma^{\prime}\right)\right) \Rightarrow\left(\sigma^{\prime} \models q\right)

    \models[p] c[q] \text { iff } \forall \sigma \cdot(\sigma \models p) \Rightarrow \exists \sigma^{\prime} .\left((c, \sigma) \longrightarrow^{*}\left(\text {skip, } \sigma^{\prime}\right)\right) \wedge\left(\sigma^{\prime} \models q\right)

  • 上式在这个语言是 deterministic 时是可以的,但是倘若 c 是一些带有不确定性的语句,比如 C 中的 alloc 或涉及随机数的语句,即 c 所在的语言不是 deterministic 的,那就不对了,此时无法表达 “执行c能终止” 这个事情。

Soundness proof (for partial correctness)

  • Soundness: If ⊢{p}c{q}, we have ⊨ {p}c{q}

  • Definition $\text{Safe}^n(c,\sigma,q) $

    • $\text{Safe}^0(c,\sigma,q) $ always holds
    • $\text{Safe}^{n+1}(c,\sigma,q) $ Holds iff one of the following is true
      • c=skip and σ ⊨ q; or
      • There exist c’ and σ’ such that $(c,σ)\longrightarrow (c’,σ’)$ and $\text{Safe}^n(c’,\sigma’,q) $
    • We say $\text{Safe}(c,\sigma,q) $ iff $\text{Safe}^n(c,\sigma,q) $ holads for all n.
  • Lemma 1

    • For all σ, if σ ⊨ p implies $\text{Safe}(c,\sigma,q) $, then ⊨{p}c{q}
  • Lemma 2

    • If ⊢{p}c{q}, then for all σ such that σ⊨p, we have $\text{Safe}(c,\sigma,q) $

TODO: PPT 159页~171页,被略过了。。。。

Semantics and soundness based-on big-step semantics:

  • 证明会更简单
  • 证明略。。。

Incompleteness of Hoare logic:

  • 证法1: observe that for any p
    \models { \text {true} } \mathbf{s k i p} { p } &\Leftrightarrow& \models p \
    \vdash { \text {true} } \mathbf{s k i p} { p } &\Leftrightarrow& \vdash p
    如果 completeness(If ⊨ {p}c{q}, we have ⊢ {p}c{q}) 能被证的话,就违背了歌德定理。

  • 证法2 (从计算理论的角度证): ⊨ {true}c{false} iff c does not halt. 但 halting problem 是 undecidable 的

Relative completeness:

  • 实际上,incompleteness 是因为 rules(SP) 和 rules(WC) 他们都涉及谓词逻辑的蕴含 the validity of implications within predicate logic。而谓词逻辑是不 decidable 的,所以没有证明系统可以将这些 implication 都证出来。

  • Therefore: separation of proof system (Hoare logic) and assertion language (predicate logic)

    我们将和 the validity of implications within predicate logic 相关的 Hoare logic 里的 rule 分开来。

  • if an “oracle” is available which decides whether a given assertion is valid, then all valid partial correctness properties can be systematically derived
    ==> Relative completeness

  • Theorem [Cook 1978]: Hoare Logic is relatively complete(在下面式子中的上下文中证 completeness),一个例子是:$\text { if } \vDash { p } c { q } \text { then } \Gamma \vdash { p } c { q } \text { where } \Gamma= { p \mid(\models p) } $

    • 证明的思想是:if we know that a partial correctness property is valid, then we know that there is a corresponding derivation
      一个简单的例子是:assume that, e.g., {p}c1;c2{q} has to be derived. This requires an intermediate assertion r such that {p}c1{r} and {r}c2{q}。具体的则是如何找到这些中间断言。

TODO: PPT 176页~193页,暂时略过了。。。。

Separation Logic

  • Separation Logic: Extension of Hoare logic for reasoning about pointers

  • Details took 30 years to evolve


  • Low-level programming language
    • Extension of simple imperative language
    • Commands for allocating, accessing, mutating, and deallocating data structures
    • Dangling pointer faults (if pointer is dereferenced)
  • Program specification and proof
    • Extension of Hoare logic
    • Separating (independent, spatial) conjunction() and implication(-\)
  • Inductive definitions over abstract structures

The programming language

  • Note that:
    • Expressions depend only upon the store
      • no side effects or nontermination
      • cons and [-] are parts of commands
    • Allocation is nondeterminate

Operational Semantics

  • s: store (variable -> value)
  • h: heap (address -> value)

{[[ e ]]{intexp} s \notin \text{dom}(h) \over (x:=[e], (s,h)) \longrightarrow \textbf{abort}}
{[[ e ]]
{intexp} s \notin \text{dom}(h) \over (x:=[e], (s,h)) \longrightarrow \textbf{abort}}
{[[ e ]]{intexp} s = l \ \ \ \ l \in \text{dom}(h) \over ([e] := e^\prime, (s,h)) \longrightarrow (\textbf{skip}, (s, h\lbrace l \leadsto [[ e^\prime ]]{intexp} s \rbrace))}
{[[ e ]]{intexp} s \notin \text{dom}(h) \over ([e]:=[e^\prime], (s,h)) \longrightarrow \textbf{abort}}
{[[ e_1 ]]
{intexp} s = n_1 \ \ \ \ [[ e_2 ]]_{intexp} s = n_2 \ \ \ \ \lbrace l, l+1 \rbrace \cap \text{dom}(h) = \emptyset \over (x := \textbf{cons}(e_1,e_2), (s,h)) \longrightarrow (\textbf{skip}, (s\lbrace x \leadsto l \rbrace, h\lbrace l \leadsto n_1, l+1 \leadsto n_2 \rbrace))}


Standard predicate calculus: $\wedge \ \ \ \ \vee \ \ \ \ \neg \ \ \ \ \Rightarrow \ \ \ \ \forall \ \ \ \ \exists $


  • emp: empty heap
  • e↦e′: singleton heap (contains one cell)
  • p1∗p2: separating conjunction (heap can be split into two disjoint parts)
  • p1−∗p2: separating implication (if the heap is extended with a disjoint part in which p1 holds, then p2 holds for the extended heap)


  • $e \mapsto - \overset{def}{=} \exists x^\prime.\ e \mapsto x^\prime$ where x′x′ not free in e
  • $e \hookrightarrow e’ \overset{\Delta}{=} e \mapsto e^\prime * \textbf{true} $
  • $e \mapsto e_1, \dots, e_n \overset{def}{=} e \mapsto e_1 * \cdots * (e+n-1) \mapsto e_n $
  • $e \hookrightarrow e_1, \dots, e_n \overset{def}{=} e \hookrightarrow e_1 * \cdots * (e+n-1) \hookrightarrow e_n $

Examples of Separating Conjunction:

  1. x↦3,y asserts that [x]=3, [x+1]=y
  2. y↦3,x asserts that [y]=3, [y+1]=x
  3. (x↦3,y)∗(y↦3,x) asserts that (1) and (2) hold for separate parts of the heap
  4. (x↦3,y)∧(y↦3,y) asserts that (1) and (2) hold for the same heap, happens only if x=y
  5. (x↪3,y)∧(y↪3,x) asserts that either (3) or (4) may hold and that the heap may contain additional cells

Example of Separating Implication:

  • Suppose p holds for
    • Store: x:α,…
    • Heap: [α]=3,[α+1]=4,…
  • Then (x↦3,4) −∗ p holds for
    • Store: x:α,…
    • Heap: no requirements
  • and (x↦1,2)∗((x↦3,4)−∗p) holds for
    • Store: x:α,…
    • Heap: [α]=1,[α+1]=2,…


  • [x1:y1|…|xn:yn]: function with domain {x1,…,xn} that maps each xi to yi.
  • [f|x1:y1|…|xn:yn]: function whose domain is the union of the domain of f and {x1,…,xn} that maps xi to yi and others to f x.

For heaps:

  • h0⊥h1: h0 and h1 have disjoint domains
  • h0⋅h1: the union of heaps with disjoint domains

The Meaning of Assertions

  • s: store
  • h: heap
  • p: assertions whose free variables belong to the domain of s

s,h ⊨ p indicates that the state s,h satisfies p, or p is true in s,h, or p holds in s,h.

  • $s, h \vDash b$ iff $[[ b ]]_{boolexp} s = \textbf{true} $
  • $s, h \vDash p $ iff $s, h \vDash p $ is false
  • $s, h \vDash p_0 \wedge p_1 $ iff $s, h \vDash p_0$ and $s, h \vDash p_1 $ (similarly for $\vee, \Rightarrow, \dots $)
  • $s, h \vDash \forall v.\ p$ iff $\forall x \in \mathbb{Z}.\ [s | v:x], h \vDash p $
  • $s, h \vDash \exists v.\ p$ iff $\exists x \in \mathbb{Z}.\ [s | v:x], h \vDash p $
  • $s, h \vDash \textbf{emp}$ iff $\text{dom }h = \lbrace \rbrace $
  • $s, h \vDash e \mapsto e^\prime$ Iff $\text{dom }h = \lbrace [[ e ]]{exp} s \rbrace $ and $h([[ e ]]{exp} s) = [[ e^\prime ]]_{exp} s$
  • $s, h \vDash p_0 * p_1 $ iff $\exists h_0, h_1.\ h_0 \perp h_1$ and $h_0 \cdot h_1 = h$ and $s, h_0 \vDash p_0 $ and $s, h_1 \vDash p_1 $
  • $s, h \vDash p_0\ {-*}\ p_1 $ iff $\forall h^\prime.\ (h^\prime \perp h \text{ and } s, h^\prime \vDash p_0) $ implies $s, h \cdot h^\prime \vDash p_1 $

Valid: When s,h ⊨ p holds for all states s,h, we say that p is valid.

Satisfiable: When s,h ⊨ p holds for some state s,h, we say that p is satisfiable.


  • $s, h \vDash x \mapsto y $ iff dom h={s x} and h(s x)=s y
  • $s, h \vDash x \mapsto - $ iff dom h={s x}
  • $s, h \vDash x \hookrightarrow y $ iff s x∈dom h and h(s x)=s y
  • $s, h \vDash x \hookrightarrow - $ iff s x∈dom h
  • $s, h \vDash x \mapsto y, z $ iff h=[s x:s y | s x+1:s z]
  • $s, h \vDash x \mapsto -, - $ iff dom h={s x,s x+1}
  • $s, h \vDash x \hookrightarrow y, z $ iff h ⊇ [s x:s y | s x+1:s z]
  • $s, h \vDash x \hookrightarrow -, - $ iff dom h⊇{s x, s x+1}

Inference Rules for Assertions

Inference Rules ($\mathcal{P} $ stands for premise):

{\mathcal{P}_1 \ \ \ \ \dots \ \ \ \ \mathcal{P}_n \over \mathcal{C}}

Note on soundness:

  • $\frac{p}{q} $ is sound iff for all instances, if p is valid, then q is valid.
  • $\dfrac{}{p \Rightarrow q} $ is sound iff for all instances, p⇒q is valid.

Inference rules for and −∗:

  • $p_0 * p_1 \Leftrightarrow p_1 * p_0 $
  • $(p_0 * p_1) * p_2 \Leftrightarrow p_0 * (p_1 * p_2) $
  • $p * \textbf{emp} \Leftrightarrow p $
  • $(p_0 \vee p_1) * q \Leftrightarrow (p_0 * q) \vee (p_1 * q) $
  • $(p_0 \wedge p_1) * q {\ \Rightarrow\ } (p_0 * q) \wedge (p_1 * q) $
  • $(\exists x.\ p_0) * p_1 \Leftrightarrow \exists x.\ (p_0 * p_1) $ where x not free in p1
  • $(\forall x.\ p_0) * p_1 {\ \Rightarrow\ } \forall x.\ (p_0 * p_1) $ where x not free in p1
  • Monotonicity: $\Large {p_0 \Rightarrow p_1 \ \ \ \ q_0 \Rightarrow q_1 \over p_0 * q_0 \Rightarrow p_1 * q_1} $
  • Currying: $\Large {p_0 * p_1 \Rightarrow p_2 \over p_0 \Rightarrow (p_1 {-*} p_2)} $
  • Decurrying: $\Large {p_0 \Rightarrow (p_1 {-*} p_2) \over p_0 * p_1 \Rightarrow p_2} $

Two Unsound Axiom Schemata:

  • Contraction: p⇒p∗p (e.g. p:x↦1)
  • Weakening: p∗q⇒p (e.g. p:x↦1 and q:y↦2)

Some Axiom Schemata for :

  • $(e_1 \mapsto e_1^\prime) \wedge (e_2 \mapsto e_2^\prime) \Leftrightarrow (e_1 \mapsto e_1^\prime) \wedge (e_1 = e_2) \wedge (e_1^\prime = e_2^\prime) $
  • $(e_1 \hookrightarrow e_1^\prime) * (e_2 \hookrightarrow e_2^\prime) {\ \Rightarrow\ } e_1 \neq e_2 $
  • $\textbf{emp} \Leftrightarrow \forall x.\ \neg(x \hookrightarrow -) $
  • $(e \hookrightarrow e^\prime) \wedge p {\ \Rightarrow\ } (e \mapsto e^\prime) * ((e \mapsto e^\prime) \ {-*}\ p) $

Classes of Assertions

Pure Assertions

An assertion p is pure iff, for all stores s and all heaps h and h′:
s, h \vDash p \text{ iff } s, h^\prime \vDash p.
A sufficient syntactic criterion is that an assertion is pure if it does not contain emp, ↦ or ↪.

Axiom Schemata for Purity:

  • p0∧p1⇒p0∗p1 when p0 or p1 is pure
  • p0∗p1⇒p0∧p1 when p0 and p1 are pure
  • (p∧q)∗r⇔(p∗r)∧q when q is pure
  • (p0−∗p1)⇒(p0⇒p1) when p0 is pure
  • (p0⇒p1)⇒(p0−∗p1) when p0 and p1 are pure

Strictly Exact Assertions (Yang)

An assertion is strictly exact iff, for all stores ss and all heaps h and h′:
s, h \vDash p \text{ and } s, h^\prime \vDash p \text{ implies } h = h^\prime.
Examples of Strictly Exact Assertions:

  • emp
  • e↦e′
  • p∗q where p and q are strictly exact
  • p∧q where p or q is strictly exact
  • p where p⇒q is valid and q is strictly exact

Proposition: When q is strictly exact, $((q * \textbf{true}) \wedge p) \Rightarrow (q * (q\ {-}\ p)) $ is valid. (This leads to the final axiom schema for ↦, i.e. $(e \hookrightarrow e^\prime) \wedge p \Rightarrow (e \mapsto e^\prime) * ((e \mapsto e^\prime)\ {-}\ p) $

Precise Assertions

An assertion q is precise iff for all s and h, there is at most one h′⊆h such that
s, h’ \vDash q.
Examples of Precise Assertions:

  • all strictly exact assertions
  • e ↦ −
  • p∗q where p and q are precise
  • p∧q where p or q is precise
  • p where p⇒q is valid and q is precise

Proposition: When q is precise, $(p_0 * q) \wedge (p_1 * q) \Rightarrow (p_0 \wedge p_1) * q $ is valid. When $q$ is precise and $x$ is not free in $q$. $\forall x.\ (p * q) \Rightarrow (\forall x.\ p) * q $ is valid.

Intuitionistic Assertions

An assertion i is Intuitionistic iff, for all stores s and heaps h and h′:
(h \subseteq h^\prime \text{ and } s, h \vDash i) \text{ implies } s, h^\prime \vDash i
Assume i and i′ are intuitionistic assertions, and p is any assertion, then:

The following assertions are intuitionistic:

  • any pure assertion

  • p∗i

  • p−∗i

  • i−∗p

  • i∧i′

  • i∨i′

  • ∀v. i

  • ∃v. i

Special cases:

  • p∗true
  • true −∗ p
  • e↪e′

The following inference rules are sound:

  • (i∗i′)⇒(i∧i′)
  • (i∗p)⇒i
  • i⇒(p−∗i)
  • $\dfrac{p \Rightarrow i}{(p * \textbf{true} \Rightarrow i)} $
  • $\dfrac{i \Rightarrow p}{i \Rightarrow (\textbf{true}\ {-*}\ p)} $

Specifications and Inference Rules


  • Partial correctness: {p} c {q}
  • Total correctness: [p] c [q]

Differences with Hoare Logic:

  • Specifications are universally quantified implicitly over both stores and heaps,
  • Specifications are universally quantified implicitly over all possible executions,
  • Any execution (from a state satisfying p) that gives a memory fault falsifies both partial and total specifications.

Rule of Constancy (unsound)

${\lbrace p \rbrace \ c \ \lbrace q \rbrace \over \lbrace p \wedge r \rbrace \ c \ \lbrace q \wedge r \rbrace} $ is unsound, e.g. ${\lbrace x \mapsto - \rbrace \ [x]:=4 \ \lbrace x \mapsto 4 \rbrace \over \lbrace x \mapsto - \wedge y \mapsto 3 \rbrace \ [x]:=4 \ \lbrace x \mapsto 4 \wedge y \mapsto 3 \rbrace}$ does not hold when x=y.

★ The Frame Rule(Separation logic 里最重要的 rule)

{\lbrace p \rbrace \ c \ \lbrace q \rbrace \over \lbrace p * r \rbrace \ c \ \lbrace q * r \rbrace}

where no variable occurring free in r is modified by c.

Reasoning and specification are confined to the cells that the program actually accesses. The value of any other cell automatically remains unchanged.

Local reasoning:

  • The set of variables and heap cells that may actually be used by a command is called its footprint
  • if {p} c {q} is valid, then p will assert that the heap contains all the cells in the footprint of c
  • if p asserts that the heap contains only cells in the footprint of c, then {p} c {q} is a local specification
  • if c′ contains c, it may have a larger footprint described by p∗r

Soundness of the Frame Rule

Consider dispose x:
\lbrace \textbf{emp} \rbrace \ \textbf{dispose }x \ \lbrace \textbf{emp} \rbrace
the frame rule would give:
\lbrace \textbf{emp} * x \mapsto 10 \rbrace \ \textbf{dispose }x \ \lbrace \textbf{emp} * x \mapsto 10 \rbrace
and thus $\lbrace x \mapsto 10 \rbrace \ \textbf{dispose }x \ \lbrace x \mapsto 10 \rbrace $ which is patently false.

We define:

  • If, starting in the state s,h, no execution of a command c aborts, then c is safe at s,h

  • If, starting in the state s,h, every execution of c terminates without aborting, then c must terminate normally at s,h

    Then the programming language satisfies safety monotonicity:

  • If $\hat h \subseteq h $ and c is safe at $s, h - \hat h $, then c is safe at $s, h $

  • If $\hat h \subseteq h $ and c must terminate normally at $s, h - \hat h $ , then c must terminate normally at $s, h $

  • 一些理解:safety monotonicity 可以说小的状态下能执行终止,那大的状态也行

The programming language also satisfies the frame property:

  • If $\hat h \subseteq h $ and c is safe at $s, h - \hat h $ and some execution of c starting at $s,h $ terminates normally in the state $s’,h’$
  • then $\hat h \subseteq h’ $ and some execution of c starting at $s, h - \hat h $ terminates normally in the state $s^\prime, h^\prime - \hat h $
  • 一些理解:frame property 可以说,从大的状态执行得到一个 heap,那么可以从小的状态执行得到一个 sub heap

Proposition: If the programming language satisfies safety monotonicity and the frame property, then the frame rule is sound for both partial and total correctness.

Locality = Safety Monotonicity + the Frame Property

Locality 是必考内容。卷子上会给 Locality 的定义,如何理解这个定义,是必考内容。


这门课:Formal Language,考察:读+写,

Lambda Calculus:

  • Untyped
    • Reduction
  • Simply typed
    • Reduction vs typing : progress & preservation

Imperative languages:

  • Operational semantics
    • Small-step & big-step
  • Hoare logic
    • Reasoning using Hoare logic
  • Separation logic
    • Assertion semantics & locality



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